Disallow editing contentfiles from packages
Closed this issue · 7 comments
Content files from nuget package simply show up in the tree as editable items. #604 tracks coming up with a proper editing experience by cloning the file but until then we should just mark them as readonly so that users don't accidentally change the packages.
Is there any chance of this being addressed in the VS 2019 timeframe? This is a problem that should definitely be fixed!
When addressing this, see if we can get invocation to open content file items in the dependencies tree to open the file, also non-editable.
Any chance this is gonna get fixed soon? This seems to be a pretty serious bug as it makes it possible to edit a shared package.
According to the documentation contenfiles should be readonly so tooling should respect that!
@drewnoakes I created a simple Console NetCore project and added the nuget package AdamsLair.Duality.Samples.Tilemaps. There are some files under Content Files, but cannot open or edit them.
Was editing already disabled ? It seems that this issue was fixed, but should be able to open the res files ?
@ocallesp these nodes were never wired up for interaction beyond the browse object. We may do that in future.
This bug relates to the equivalent items within the "Data" folder at the bottom of your screenshot.
PR: #6480 and https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_git/CPS/pullrequest/266425 (Microsofties only).