
Roslyn analyzer tooltips not displaying escaped characters in IDE

jezzsantos opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a custom Analyzer for a rule SAS010

You can see it working here in the Rider IDE.


The resource string being defined for it looks like this:

    <data name="SAS010MessageFormat" xml:space="preserve">
        <value>Method '{0}' should return either a Task&lt;T&gt; or T, where T is either an 'ApiEmptyResult', 'ApiResult&lt;TResource, TResponse&gt;' or 'ApiPostResult&lt;TResource, TResponse&gt;'</value>

The problem is that the tooltip that pops up does not show the < and > signs in this text: Task<T>. (top of screenshot)
However, to be fair we do correctly see the escaped characters in the build warning (bottom of the screen shot).

Is this a Roslyn issue, or perhaps a Jetbrains Rider issue?

I am not able to reproduce this in Visual Studio.