
Unit tests for linters sometimes seem to disregard PPDs

3geek14 opened this issue · 8 comments

I've noticed two issues with unit tests I've attempted to write, both of which involve PPDs. I'm willing to believe I'm at fault, but I think there's a bug.


I inherited a custom analyzer that checked if a line was longer than our column limit. This analyzer didn't respect #pragma warning directives, so it was impossible to disable the analyzer for intentionally-too-long lines. After fixing this, I wanted to add a unit test to this analyzer (and our other analyzers) to verify that they respect pragma directives. Here are the two tests I wrote:

  public async Task IgnoreAfterPragmaDisable() {
    const string testCode = @"
using System;
public class Foo {
  #pragma warning disable CA0000
  public static void ThisIsAVeryLongFunctionNameBecauseIWantToMakeThisLineFarFarTooLong() => Console.WriteLine();
  #pragma warning restore CA0000
    await Verifier.VerifyAnalyzerAsync(testCode);

  public async Task ReportAfterPragmaRestore() {
    const string testCode = @"
using System;
public class Foo {
  #pragma warning disable CA0000
  #pragma warning restore CA0000
{|#0:  public static void ThisIsAVeryLongFunctionNameBecauseIWantToMakeThisLineFarFarTooLong() => Console.WriteLine();|}
    DiagnosticResult expected =
    await Verifier.VerifyAnalyzerAsync(testCode, expected);

The first test passes, but the second fails. Here's the error message for the second one:

  Context: Verifying exclusions in '#pragma warning disable' code
Mismatch between number of diagnostics returned, expected "0" actual "1"

// /0/Test0.cs(7,1): warning CA0000: Lines must be no more than 100 characters in length
VerifyCS.Diagnostic().WithSpan(7, 1, 7, 114),

  Expected: 0
  But was:  1
   at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing.Verifiers.NUnitVerifier.Equal[T](T expected, T actual, String message) in
[stack trace omitted]

Interestingly, if I remove , expected from the final line of test, leaving the test code unchanged, I get a different error message:

  Mismatch between number of diagnostics returned, expected "0" actual "1"

// /0/Test0.cs(6,1): warning CA0000: Lines must be no more than 100 characters in length
VerifyCS.Diagnostic().WithSpan(6, 1, 6, 114),

  Expected: 0
  But was:  1
   at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing.Verifiers.NUnitVerifier.Equal[T](T expected, T actual, String message) in
[stack trace omitted]

Somehow, expecting a diagnostic causes the actual diagnostic to change.


I'm trying to write an analyzer to enforce our indentation rules. There's a bug in my code involving PPDs near the ends of files. Here's a file that my analyzer flags as wrong:

public class Foo {
  #region Bar
  public int Baz;

My analyzer reports a diagnostic at the EndOfFileToken. I wanted to debug this issue, so I tossed this small example into a unit test:

  public async Task PpdAtEof() {
    const string testCode = @"
public class Foo {
  #region Bar
  public int Baz;
    await Verifier.VerifyAnalyzerAsync(testCode);

I expect this test to fail, because of the bug in my analyzer. However, it passes.


I've encountered multiple issues when writing unit tests that arise when I'm trying to test how my analyzers behave around PPDs. I don't have a lot of reason to expect them to be related, except that they both involve PPDs.

😕 The term PPD is used several times here, but I don't see a definition for it

It generally should not be necessary to manually test #pragma warning disable for your diagnostic ID. By default, the test framework always tests this case. If you want to write a test for a different case, you would need to pass in SkipSuppressionCheck:

/// <summary>
/// Skip a verification check that diagnostics will not be reported if a <c>#pragma warning disable</c> appears
/// at the beginning of the file.
/// </summary>
SkipSuppressionCheck = 0x02,

For the second issue, have you verified that the final end-of-line matches?

Sorry, PPD = preprocessor directive.

For the second issue: I tried to verify that the final end-of-lines matched, found that they didn't, and corrected that. Now the test (as expected) catches my bug, and I feel very silly.

For the first one, let me put together a MWE.

Here's an analyzer that does not respect #pragma warning disable. This is roughly what one of our analyzers used to look like.

using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;

namespace Foo;

public class NamespaceStyleAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer {
  public static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor Descriptor =
      new("ID0000", "Title", "Message", "Category", DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, true);

  public override ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor> SupportedDiagnostics { get; } =

  public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context) {

  private static void HandleSyntaxTree(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context) {
    Regex blockNamespace = new("namespace .* {", RegexOptions.Compiled);
    TextLineCollection lines = context.Tree.GetText().Lines;

    int count = 0;
    for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lines.Count; ++lineIndex) {
      TextLine line = lines[lineIndex];
      if (blockNamespace.IsMatch(line.ToString())) {
        Location location = Location.Create(
            new TextSpan(count + line.Span.Start, count + line.Span.End),
            new LinePositionSpan(
                new LinePosition(lineIndex, 0),
                new LinePosition(lineIndex, line.Span.Length)));
        context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Descriptor, location));
      count += line.Span.Length;

Here's the first unit test I wrote when I wanted to fix the analyzer.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Verifier = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Testing.NUnit.AnalyzerVerifier<Foo.NamespaceStyleAnalyzer>;

namespace Foo.Tests;

public class NamespaceStyleAnalyzerTests {
  public async Task IgnoreAfterPragmaDisable() {
    const string testCode = @"
#pragma warning disable ID0000
namespace Bar {
  public class Baz { }
#pragma warning restore ID0000
    await Verifier.VerifyAnalyzerAsync(testCode);

This test fails:

  Mismatch between number of diagnostics returned, expected "0" actual "1"

// /0/Test0.cs(3,35): warning ID0000: Message
new DiagnosticResult(NamespaceStyleAnalyzer.ID0000).WithSpan("/0/Test0.cs", 3, 1, 3, 16),

The fix for the analyzer was pretty simple: rather than six lines for a Location.Create(), I used context.Tree.GetLocation(line.Span). The new function was simply:

  private static void HandleSyntaxTree(SyntaxTreeAnalysisContext context) {
    Regex blockNamespace = new("namespace .* {", RegexOptions.Compiled);
    TextLineCollection lines = context.Tree.GetText().Lines;

    foreach (TextLine line in lines.Where(line => blockNamespace.IsMatch(line.ToString()))) {
      context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Descriptor, context.Tree.GetLocation(line.Span)));

Now it passed the test, so I decided to write another test, resulting in the weird behaviour of my first example in the original post.

Because I know that we can write analyzers which pass our other unit tests but which don't respect #pragma warning disable, I want to write unit tests to ensure that we don't write analyzers in that way. It sounds like I'm supposed to use a SkipSuppressionCheck to do that? Can you point me to an example of passing in a test behaviour?

What version of the test framework are you using? I'm curious if the newest releases would have caught this without writing a new test.

Ah, I looked and the validation I was thinking of only applied to code fixes. If you do have a code fix for this diagnostic, it may have flagged it.

Can you point me to an example of passing in a test behaviour?

await new VerifyCS.Test
  TestState =
    Sources =
  FixedState =
    Sources =
  TestBehaviors = TestBehaviors.SkipSuppressionCheck,

I'm not sure which package you want the version of, so here are NuGet packages I'm currently including, with the latest version (if not what I'm already using) included in parentheses.

  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 3.3.4
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 4.7.0 (4.10.0)
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Analyzer.Testing.NUnit 1.1.1
  • Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 16.10.0 (17.10.0)
  • NETStandard.Library 2.0.3
  • NUnit 3.14.0 (4.1.0)
  • NUnit3TestAdapter 4.5.0