
Introduce mechanism to indicate arguments are to be marshalled as native varargs

AaronRobinsonMSFT opened this issue ยท 64 comments

Background and Motivation

Native varargs are a complicated interop scenario to support. At present, native varargs are only supported on the Windows platform through the undocumented __arglist keyword. Supporting varargs naturally in a P/Invoke scenario would be difficult from the C# language. However, it is possible to compromise by permitting support for the call with a fully specified DllImport signature and a hint from the user.

User scenario: #48752

Proposed API

namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
+    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
+    public class NativeVarargsAttribute : Attribute
+    {
+        public NativeVarargsAttribute() { VarargBeginIndex = 0; }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Zero-based index of the first variable argument.
+        /// </summary>
+        public int VarargBeginIndex;
+    }

Usage Examples

Consider the following native export with varargs:

void Varargs(int n, ...);

The following P/Invoke declarations would enable users to call and properly forward the arguments in a supported multi-platform manner.

[NativeVarargsAttribute(VarargBeginIndex = 1)]
[DllImport(@"NativeLibrary.dll", EntryPoint = "Varargs")]
static extern void Varargs0(int n);

[NativeVarargsAttribute(VarargBeginIndex = 1)]
[DllImport(@"NativeLibrary.dll", EntryPoint = "Varargs")]
static extern void Varargs1(int n, int a);

[NativeVarargsAttribute(VarargBeginIndex = 1)]
[DllImport(@"NativeLibrary.dll", EntryPoint = "Varargs")]
static extern void Varargs2(int n, int a, int b);

Alternative designs

Encode the information in the CallingConvention enum. This approach does remove the overhead of attribute reading, but does miss the added data of knowing where the varargs start - at present doesn't appear to be needed. This approach also impacts existing metadata tooling (for example, ILDasm, ILAsm, and ILSpy). See #48796 (comment).

public enum CallingConvention
+    VarArg = 6

Current state

Without this feature, calling functions with native varargs isn't possible on a non-Windows platforms. The proposed workaround is to create native shim libraries and instead P/Invoke into them. Continuing the example above, the shim library would export the following:

extern void Varargs(int n, ...);

void Varargs0(int n)
void Varargs1(int n, int a)
    Varargs(n, a);
void Varargs2(int n, int a, int b)
    Varargs(n, a, b);


Support on Windows: dotnet/coreclr#18373
JIT details: #10478

The _arglist keyword is supported for interop with P/Invoke on Windows platforms and the JIT already knows how to understand the encoding.

I think we should just use the _arglist keyword instead of adding a new attribute. The attribute read is much more expensive.

Maybe the trick is undocumented -> documented

I think we should just use the _arglist keyword instead of adding a new attribute. The attribute read is much more expensive.

Not sure the attribute read should be a concern here to be honest. The generation of the stub is likely to be more costly than that. Also that read would be a single time.

Also, this is not about supporting varargs as it looks on Windows. This is about supporting the calling of varargs with a fully typed P/Invoke. The keyword would have no where to go and is not a placeholder we are likely to want.

Supporting varargs naturally in a P/Invoke scenario would be difficult from the C# language.

What is the difficulty here? Is it not largely just the same as it does today, which is to push the args onto the execution stack and so (other than it being not an official keyword) it would largely just be the runtime handling it correctly for other platforms?

the attribute read

This can be fixed by combining this with adding a new member to CallingConvention enum. We would pay the attention to the advanced calling convention attributes only for the Extended calling conventions.

public enum CallingConvention
    Extended = 6

Alternatively, this can be just a new CallingConvention value:

public enum CallingConvention
    VarArg = 6

__arglist keyword

The __arglist keyword is poorly supported corner case. See e.g. dotnet/docs#18714 .

We should also think how we would enable this with function pointers. __arglist keyword is not supported with function pointers today.

varargs as it looks on Windows

Note that varargs interop on Windows supports both forward and reverse interop, and both ... and va_list. It is what makes it very complex and expensive to just do what we do on Windows accross all platforms.

What is the difficulty here?

ABIs vary across platforms. Some platforms can treat vararg arguments differently than normal arguments. On Apple Silicon, they are definitely treated differently.

So for interop we need to be explicit to support al platforms correctly.

This can be fixed by combining this with adding a new member to CallingConvention enum.

I was avoiding that since it would be encoded directly in metadata through DllImport. My previous experience was we prefer to avoid that given the impact to tooling.

ABIs vary across platforms. Some platforms can treat vararg arguments differently than normal arguments.

Sure, but I don't see why __arglist (or a new properly supported keyword) cannot be properly handled by the JIT to be the correct ... for a given platform. The JIT is entirely stack based and it is free to translate that as appropriate to be registers, stack, or whatever else is appropriate for the ABI. It has to do this for all arguments already.

A method in native is written as void method(...) and is then handled via va_start, va_arg, va_copy, va_end, and va_list. So one would expect that we could simply have a corresponding concept for ... in .NET (currently __arglist which translates to the ECMA 335 vararg convention) and the relevant helpers (currently ArgIterator).

So I'm not seeing what is blocking the same from working on say Unix or Apple Silicon, other than the JIT not correctly handling these on non-windows. I would expect that if we just simply implemented the ABI defined ( for System V) then both forward and reverse P/Invoke would work (and that this is necessary anyways for whatever new concept is exposed)

Sure, but I don't see why __arglist (or a new properly supported keyword) cannot be properly handled by the JIT to be the correct ... for a given platform.

I don't think there is any reason other than this proposal is for a non-language impacting update :-) We can also start a conversation with Roslyn about how one would express this in C#.

I was avoiding that since it would be encoded directly in metadata through DllImport. My previous experience was we prefer to avoid that given the impact to tooling.

Yes, it has an impact on tooling. My actual concern is that we need a scalable pattern to add new calling conventions for DllImport. Let's say that we add 10 new calling conventions. What is the pattern we want to follow? Is it going to be 10 different attributes?

I don't think there is any reason other than this proposal is for a non-language impacting update

__arglist is a "reserved" keyword today, you can't even name a class with it (at least in Roslyn you get error CS0190: The __arglist construct is valid only within a variable argument method if you try). Maybe its as simple as just spec'ing the thing that has always been there and making it an "official" keyword? It's not pretty, but it's also really only for P/Invoke scenarios, so maybe that isn't the worst thing.

Let's say that we add 10 new calling conventions. What is the pattern we want to follow? Is it going to be 10 different attributes?

Great question. I've not spent much time considering that as it relates to DllImport. One thing I think we can all agree on is the desire to not have 10 attributes.

Maybe its as simple as just spec'ing the thing that has always been there and making it an "official" keyword? It's not pretty, but it's also really only for P/Invoke scenarios, so maybe that isn't the worst thing.

Sure, seems like a reasonable perspective. The __ prefix does have some implementation/undocumented semantics associated with it so it would need to be a new keyword for proper support and thus language impacting.

If we go with some variant of __arglist keyword, we should also figure out how it is going to work with the interop source generators that is our forward looking interop story.

Sure, seems like a reasonable perspective. The __ prefix does have some implementation/undocumented semantics associated with it so it would need to be a new keyword for proper support and thus language impacting.

I think that's fine. It might be that they say __arglist just becomes official and it could be that they say they now support ... or arglist contextually or something else. But I'd also expect (and hope) its "less" work given the existance of __arglist already wired fairly end to end (but someone from LDM could confirm).

If we go with some variant of __arglist keyword, we should also figure out how it is going to work with the interop source generators that is our forward looking interop story.

What consideration is needed here? Is this exposing a managed helper signature because exposing a managed method which takes ... is undesirable?

I had already experimented with having ClangSharp recognize variadic functions and generate __arglist but never checked it in because it was Windows only and not officially supported. The pattern seems fairly straightforward...

What consideration is needed here? Is this exposing a managed helper signature because exposing a managed method which takes ... is undesirable?

Yes basically. Consider how our prototype source gen works:

[GeneratedDllImport(NativeExportsNE_Binary, EntryPoint = "sumi")]
public static partial int Sum(int a, <... or __arglist>);

The above varargs would need to be marshalled in some manner. Which means the variable argument list would need to be inspected in an efficient way at run time to perform that marshalling and forward those arguments.

Could the source generator not just do the concrete overloads. Say for example you had

[GeneratedDllImport("msvcrt", EntryPoint = "printf")]
public static int Print(string format, __arglist);

For this, the generator would create:

private static extern printf(sbyte* format, __arglist);

And for each unique invocation it found, it would generate a helper override that is a more exact match.
For example, if you did Print("%s%s%s", "Hello", ", ", "World!"); and Print("%g", 100.0f);

The following two helpers would be generated:

public static partial int Print(string format, string arg0, string arg1, string arg2)
    fixed (byte* pFormat = Encoding.GetUTF8Bytes(format))
    fixed (byte* pArg0 = Encoding.GetUTF8Bytes(arg0))
    fixed (byte* pArg1 = Encoding.GetUTF8Bytes(arg0))
    fixed (byte* pArg2 = Encoding.GetUTF8Bytes(arg0))
        return printf(pFormat, pArg0, pArg1, pArg2);

public static partial int Print(string format, float arg0)
    fixed (byte* pFormat = Encoding.GetUTF8Bytes(format))
        return printf(pFormat, format);

The only "loose" end would be that nothing was generated for the original public static int Print(string format, __arglist) and a decision on what to do here would need to be handled.

And for each unique invocation it found, it would generate a helper override that is a more exact match.

Yep. Until a library decided to expose the P/Invoke directly at which point it may not observe any concrete calls.

Yep. Until a library decided to expose the P/Invoke directly at which point it may not observe any concrete calls.

Isn't that the same world we already have today if someone does the following on Windows?

public static extern printf(sbyte* format, __arglist)

Can we not maintain the same support or can we not just block non-blittable parameters here (like we do for generics and a few other scenarios)?

Isn't that the same world we already have today if someone does the following on Windows?

I don't think so. I believe a library can export that signature as is today without issue. But your proposal for the source generator approach wouldn't work for that case because it won't see the callsite when the application calls the libraries export.

Can we not maintain the same support or can we not just block non-blittable parameters here (like we do for generics and a few other scenarios)?

I guess we could impose that, but my perspective is it isn't worth it. The proposed approach makes calling a vararg function possible and will naturally work with source generators in all scenarios since we tell the JIT how to pass the arguments. Supporting the gamut of varargs doesn't seem to be worth the cost at this point. It would impose a large burden on the source generator because the convention would need to be forwarded properly and the language updated. I'm simply not seeing the value in the cost to make it fully supported.

I'm simply not seeing the value in the cost to make it fully supported.

Actually, I think it was also pointed out in #48796 (comment) that a lot of the JIT work will be the same - I agree with that. We can view this proposal with its requirement of a precise signature to be a down payment on enabling full support. Since if this proposal was accepted all we would need to do is address two additional issues:

  1. Make it an official scenario in C#.
  2. Ensure we have the facilities to make it work with source generators.

I think this proposal simply starts the journey towards full support in an MVP manner.

So you're basically thinking something like the following for the minimum viable product and then "full" varargs with language support might come later and would also enable the same on function pointers?

[NativeVarargsAttribute(VarargBeginIndex = 1)]
[DllImport(@"NativeLibrary.dll", EntryPoint = "Varargs")]
static extern void Varargs1(int n, int a);

That doesn't sound terrible, but it seems to me like you still have the problem that the user needs to know all overloads they require up front and that in the future you have two technologies to choose from.
And at first thought, it seems like something that could equally be handled by [GeneratedVarargs(new Type[] { typeof(arg0), typeof(arg1) })] on the method that has GeneratedDllImport for the __arglist case.

The only unique issues to ... (at least that I'm seeing) is that:

  • if a user publicly exports it (or calls a manual pinvoke without a source generator), what do you do when they pass in string or other non-blittable parameters
  • can the language commit to supporting __arglist, ..., or some other new keyword syntax within the required timeframe

It would seem like the MVP would be to just block the first scenario and ask C# on the second (and fallback to something different if C# can't commit).
Requiring users to pass blittable parameters for ... and to use one of the source generator attributes otherwise seems reasonable for an MVP. If that scenario is very important, it could be unblocked in the future.
Then it is functionally no different than the original proposal, including in generating the fixed signatures up front based on the overloads the user indicates they desire, just using the same thing that eventually becomes "full support".
However, it does enable automatic generation of those fixed signatures in the case the export is not public and also enables power users to explicitly pass in blittable parameters if that is preferred instead.

@AaronRobinsonMSFT Instead of adding NativeVarargsAttribute could we add a new optional parameter to DllImport which did the same thing. Might have a default not varargs value by default.

DllImport is a pseudo-custom attribute. It has special non-extensible encoding in metadata (extending the encoding would be file format breaking change.)

I have been thinking about what would be a design that works for both DllImport and function pointers, without language changes. The simplest design that I was able to come up with is a marker type for start of vararg arguments:

public struct VarArgSentinel

Example of use:

public static extern printf(sbyte* format, VarArgSentinel dummy, int arg1, int arg2);

I had a bit of a chat with Aaron in teams and he suggested I explicitly iterate that my concern here is that we already have varargs today specified by ECMA-335 for both managed and native (and function pointers) and so I don't see the driving need to expose something additional that is basically that, but in many ways covers less (and would likely eventually be added to the spec if we ever rev it). I'd have less concern if this attribute or the VarArgSentinel just proposed was recognized by C# and just treated as the vararg bit (just like __arglist is today):

If __arglist wasn't an implementation defined keyword, I don't think there would even be a discussion here and so if asking Jared/Mads if making __arglist official or adding ... or a new contextual keyword is feasible (even if only for P/Invokes), that seems like goodness to me.

@AaronRobinsonMSFT Instead of adding NativeVarargsAttribute could we add a new optional parameter to DllImport which did the same thing. Might have a default not varargs value by default.

@sdmaclea Yeah.. I would love that. It is a nice idea, but as @jkotas mentioned DllImport isn't what anyone thinks it is.

If __arglist wasn't an implementation defined keyword, I don't think there would even be a discussion her

I agree that we would not have this discussion if varargs were a first class citizen in .NET.

Managed varargs are similar to remoting. Both are mentioned in ECMA, both have been neglected features with many gaps since .NET Framework 1.0, expensive to port, and omitted from .NET Core originally. The only difference is that we were forced to bring varargs in in limited fashion on Windows for managed C++ compatibility.

I think we should either agree that it is valuable to make varargs first class citizen in modern .NET; or to do the simplest cheapest solution that makes it possible to call varargs method in platform neutral way. Going halfway does not seem useful.

My view here is that varargs should get proper support in .NET, even if in an iterative fashion with the MVP for .NET 6 extending what ECMA-335 already supports and specifies.

My reasoning is that varargs is a part of the ABI, the C language, and the C standard library and is therefore on all platforms .NET will ever run on. It is a fundamental part of the ecosystem that is not going anywhere and will, without a doubt, be supported in any new platforms that exist in the future. It is not restricted to legacy code and is not restricted to only scenarios such as printf where the need for interop is "low". Additionally, searching for users asks about varargs shows continued interest going back to when we first made .NET cross platform.

Many major languages have support for varargs (most often via the ... syntax), particularly when it comes to their mechanism for interop with C. C#/.NET is one of the few where the only support is via their own thing (params T[]). Languages with varargs support include:

  • C
  • C++
  • Go
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • ObjC
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Swift
  • etc

In some cases, varargs is a fundamental requirement for interop with languages other than C. For example, many of the core APIs exposed for ObjC (such as objc_msgsend) require varargs to be able to interact with it.
Given that the other languages also have varargs support, there are also potential scenarios where it is required to interact with parts of them as well.

To me, this all points to a world where we should be taking the existing varargs support and making it first class starting with a minimum viable product that may involve only allowing it in P/Invoke scenarios.

In addition to the above, there are clear benefits to proper varargs support; such as reduced metadata bloat and decreased surface area for AOT scenarios.

varargs is like generics in that you can have a single metadata signature to support many code patterns. It is unlike generics in that it does not require generic explosion at runtime or during AOT.
However, not properly supporting varargs means there is an explosion to specify every concrete combination that needs to be supported which increases metadata cost and inevitably the surface area for crossgen, AOT, and even just raw IL.

There will likely be some of this "explosion" in either scenario due to the need for an object oriented wrapper type (such as for ObjC types), but there is still the difference of a single objc_msgsend P/Invoke vs many separate P/Invokes that these wrappers ultimately call.

Languages with varargs support include:

Number of the languages in your list do not have first class interop support and they represent varargs internally as array or array-like type that is more similar to C# params keyword.

For example, Java : multiple arguments must be passed in an array, but the varargs feature automates and hides the process.

many of the core APIs exposed for ObjC (such as objc_msgsend) require varargs to be able to interact with it.

varargs interop does not help with objc_msgsend in general. objc_msgsend uses regular calling convention and you have to manually specify each shape. It would only help if the target method has literal vararg in the signature. Is there such method in Apple OS APIs?

decreased surface area for AOT scenarios.

varargs interop is problematic for AOT. ngen/crossgen never fully supported precompiling varargs interop. As you have said, it has similar problem as generics where one metadata item expands to many pieces of code. A whole program analysis is required to find the full set. Fully support AOTing varargs interop requires building a system similar to a system to precompile generics.

...but there is still the difference of a single objc_msgsend P/Invoke vs many separate P/Invokes that these wrappers ultimately call.

I'd like to reiterate what I stated in the Apple Silicon issue. The problem is not necessary the "explosion" caused by having one variation per parameter types. That had been the status quo for Xamarin ObjC interop, or the SQLite wrappers for ages. All the possible prototypes were either manually written (SQLite) or automatically generated (Xamarin). The issue is that with introduction of Apple Silicon the approach no longer works since the current workaround doubles the number of prototypes in this "explosion" if you have to account for the different ABIs (eg. x64 passes through registers with reserved stack space and overflow to stack for more parameters; M1 passes all VA on stack, so you have to round to 8 "dummy" parameters that occupy the registers and then let the rest overflow to stack to simulate the VA layout).

FWIW I'd be perfectly happy with having __arglist back, even if MVP means supporting it only for P/Invoke scenarios.

varargs interop does not help with objc_msgsend in general. objc_msgsend uses regular calling and you have to manually specify each shape. It would only help if the target method has literal vararg in the signature. Is there such method in Apple OS APIs?

The current approach to objc_msgSend is driven by the lack of varargs interop. The native method uses varargs (

The current approach to objc_msgSend is driven by the lack of varargs interop. The native method uses varargs

The native objc_msgSend takes variable number of arguments, but it is not the same mechanism as C vararg. If you define objc_msgSend as C method with ..., it won't work.

I went through the list of languages in @tannergooding list. I did not find any languages except C/C++ where C-like varargs are first class citizen (happy to be corrected if I missed anything). Varargs are either shortcut for array or array-like argument passing and/or one-off for interop.

The native objc_msgSend takes variable number of arguments, but it is not the same mechanism as C vararg. If you define objc_msgSend as C method with ..., it won't work.

You could be right on this one, but the C headers do use ... in there:

Update: I am an idiot here reading the #if !OBJC_OLD_DISPATCH_PROTOTYPES the other way around. The variadic prototypes would work on x64 for some cases due to how the ABI is implemented but it doesn't quite work with the ARM64 ABI or more complex calls (eg. floating point parameters).

Varargs are either shortcut for array or array-like argument passing and/or one-off for interop.

Yes, on the non-interop side these are frequently represented in a slightly better construct (such as params T[] in C#) but in almost all cases they use ... and are largely equivalent to proper varargs from the author's perspective.

For example, Java : multiple arguments must be passed in an array, but the varargs feature automates and hides the process.

However, JNA/JNI have explicit support for handling this as varargs in terms of P/Invoke and from the perspective of pure Java code it is varargs, not many separate concrete definitions.

The native method uses varargs (

For reference, include\objc\message.h has:

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wincompatible-library-redeclaration"
objc_msgSend(void /* id self, SEL op, ... */ )
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

objc_msgSendSuper(void /* struct objc_super *super, SEL op, ... */ )
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
objc_msgSend(id _Nullable self, SEL _Nonnull op, ...)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
objc_msgSendSuper(struct objc_super * _Nonnull super, SEL _Nonnull op, ...)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

Likewise, objc-api.h has:

/* OBJC_OLD_DISPATCH_PROTOTYPES == 0 enforces the rule that the dispatch 
 * functions must be cast to an appropriate function pointer type. */
#   if __swift__
        // Existing Swift code expects IMP to be Comparable.
        // Variadic IMP is comparable via OpaquePointer; non-variadic IMP isn't.
#   else
#   endif

I don't think that giving varargs "first class" support means that it will become the new standard for code or even recommended for use outside of P/Invoke scenarios.
I think its primary use will be P/Invoke (via DllImport and function pointers), that there may eventually need to be Reverse P/Invoke support (or at least UnmanagedCallersOnly support), and that there may be some performance oriented scenarios for power users or internal methods that allow allocations to be avoided.

I also believe that the benefits of having a single metadata definition is clear and that it provides a more correct, maintainable, and functional mapping to the underlying code than concrete signatures.

In the majority of the languages I listed, this is done via the C varargs ABI because that is what is used by C and C is the common interface between most languages.
This is true for imports (calling an exported C varargs method from that language) and often for exports as well (calling an exported method for that language from C).

Python is another example where some of the core runtime functions used for interop between it and C use varargs:,, etc

I think its primary use will be P/Invoke (via DllImport and function pointers),

Yep, I agree that it is best to think about this as one-off for interop and not as a first class construct used everywhere.

there may eventually need to be Reverse P/Invoke support

Reverse P/Invoke support for varargs never existed (you cannot define vararg delegate in C#). I do not remember it ever showing up on the radar as a feature request.

a single metadata definition is clear and that it provides a more correct, maintainable, and functional mapping to the underlying code than concrete signatures.

I see a single metadata definition for C varargs interop as pain to deal with. It has to be special-cased everywhere.

what about the experiments with dllexport? one could have a need to make a c-compatible varargs method that is dllexported. outside of that, callbacks/etc rather don't have varargs, they at most have some void* userdata pointer, at least those I've seen. or similar mechanisms. And this discussion makes me wonder if some way to pass va_list would also be considered even in the case of not reusing/properly implementing dotnet's varargs support from ecma335?

I see a single metadata definition for C varargs interop as pain to deal with. It has to be special-cased everywhere.

I have the opposite opinion. I see it as something that eases the maintenance burden on P/Invoke generators, reduces metadata bloat, is well understood by the developers who will be using the feature, is already used by C++/CLI, and likely integrates well with what we already have today (minus the missing "official" language keyword for C# where seeing if __arglist can just become the official keyword seems like a good compromise between "existing" and "future, primarily limited to P/Invoke and power user scenarios").

From the perspective of a P/Invoke generator, it can process a header exactly 1-to-1.
New initiatives like win32metadata (which will never know the concrete signatures required) can simply define the export once and have it understood by downstream tooling.
Source generators like CsWin32 (which may know the concrete signatures required and which uses win32metadata) have a single method to interact with and can define concrete wrappers over that which do the pinning, marshaling, and calling of the single P/Invoke.
Other generators like ClangSharp (which is used by win32metadata) can provide a single reusable export for power users or user-defined wrappers where appropriate

The work to support varargs at the ABI level should largely be the same for both approaches.
The existing varargs support for Windows has to stay for back-compat.
The logic for checking if parameters are blittable or not already exists in the marshaller and is already used to block certain P/Invoke scenarios.
The logic for handling the existing varargs bit already exists, but is simply blocked on Unix and would be unblocked once the ABI support is added.
The language is already wired up to emit the varargs bit for scenarios like P/Invoke, it just doesn't have an official keyword.
The framework already has a type (System.ArgIterator) for getting and interacting with varargs parameters

   public static extern printf(sbyte* format, VarArgSentinel dummy, int arg1, int arg2);

@jkotas why does it need to be a real argument, not an attribute on an existing arg?

public static extern printf (sbyte* format, [VarArgStart] int arg1, int arg2);

(also doesn't using a dummy parameter mean callers have to pass a dummy value for the argument? otherwise I don't see how this could be done without a language change)

@jkotas why does it need to be a real argument, not an attribute on an existing arg?

You cannot have attributes on arguments in function pointers. (As I have said, my goal with this one was to make vararg interop possible for both DllImport and function pointers, without language changes.)

doesn't using a dummy parameter mean callers have to pass a dummy value for the argument?

Yes, that's correct. Callers would have to pass a dummy parameter.


It would only help if the target method has literal vararg in the signature. Is there such method in Apple OS APIs?

Yes, here's an example (they aren't very common, but they do show up in a few API, some quite important like this one):

and here's how we've had to bind it due to the lack of varargs:

Does this work on Apple ARM64 OSes? If it does, the method is not actually using vararg calling convention. It has variable number of arguments, but the arguments are not passed using vararg calling convention, so adding support for vararg calling convention would not help.

Does this work on Apple ARM64 OSes? If it does, the method is not actually using vararg calling convention. It has variable number of arguments, but the arguments are not passed using vararg calling convention, so adding support for vararg calling convention would not help.

The managed code calls our own native functions (without varargs), which call Apple's API (with varargs):

Here's an example of where we call Apple's API with varargs directly from managed code:

Not sure if anyone mentioned it above, but the .net spec has a 'Sentinel' bit in method signatures used to mark where the ... arguments begin, so the c# compiler could emit this.

For reference, the bit @vargaz talks about is section I. in ECMA-335 specification:

Method signatures are declared by method definitions. Only one constraint can be added to a
method signature in addition to those of parameter signatures:

  • The vararg constraint can be included to indicate that all arguments past this point are
    optional. When it appears, the calling convention shall be one that supports variable
    argument lists.

Method signatures are used in two different ways: as part of a method definition and as a
description of a calling site when calling through a function pointer. In the latter case, the method
signature indicates

  • the calling convention (which can include platform-specific calling conventions),
  • the types of all the argument values that are being passed, and
  • if needed, a vararg marker indicating where the fixed parameter list ends and the
    variable parameter list begins.

When used as part of a method definition, the vararg constraint is represented by the choice of
calling convention.

With the introduction of #51156 this proposal becomes less interesting. It should be replaced with a CallConv* type instead.

How does the proposal in #51156 address the scenario? I fail to see it and there is no example in the linked issue.

@filipnavara This proposal is about an attribute for Native Varargs - that approach isn't a good idea because we can instead use the UnmanagedCalleeAttribute which takes a type that indicates multiple calling convention modifiers. The concern is best described in #48796 (comment). As mentioned in my comment the correct replacement for this issue is to follow it up with a CallConv* type or perhaps enable the __arglist keyword but adding a new attribute is not the correct approach. Feel free to create a new issue if a tracking issue for that is needed.

How do you use UnmanagedCalleeAttribute to specify where the fixed args end and the varargs start?

How do you use UnmanagedCalleeAttribute to specify where the fixed args end and the varargs start?

That is a UX question we would need to work through but I am not sure that is needed based on a previous conversation - which I may be misremembering. The gist was regardless of where the fixed args or varargs exist the way they are passed is the same for a native varargs signature - I could be misremembering the conversation but that is what I recall. There is also the more fundamental UX question of do we want to support arbitrary native vararg signatures in C# or do we require people to fully specify each signature for each use case. I don't know the answer to that but this proposal as written isn't something I think we should do and as the author I felt it should be closed to avoid confusing it as a well-thought out proposal - which in its current form it is not.

That is a UX question we would need to work through but I am not sure that is needed based on a previous conversation - which I may be misremembering. The gist was regardless of where the fixed args or varargs exist the way they are passed is the same for a native varargs signature - I could be misremembering the conversation but that is what I recall.

On x64 you don't need the information. On arm64 you do, varargs always go to stack, up to 8 fixed args go to registers. You pointed out in the other issue (#51156) that it replaces this proposal but it left out this fundamental issue which was the driving impetus for this proposal and the user scenarios in #48752.

The UnmanagedCalleeAttribute does not address this problem in any way as far as I can see it and thus it felt flat to just close the proposal with no alternative. There was just a brief mention that it would address varargs too but it didn't actually address the user scenario or the problem that is address with the attribute in this API proposal.

There doesn't seem to be any mechanism in UnmanagedCalleeAttribute to pass the varargs start position and it's not obvious how would it fit in.

There is also the more fundamental UX question of do we want to support arbitrary native vararg signatures in C# or do we require people to fully specify each signature for each use case.

True. That's also why I think all the discussion here is really valuable because it focused on various reasons why one or the other approach may work in different scenarios (such as NativeAOT).

The reality is that binding libraries now have to manually craft each prototype for all possible varargs combinations if they want to work cross-platform. That doubles with additional logic if ARM64 comes into play. __arglist is currently supported only on Windows and it's problematic for AOT scenarios, as stated in the discussion above.

I don't know the answer to that but this proposal as written isn't something I think we should do and as the author I felt it should be closed to avoid confusing it as a well-thought out proposal - which in its current form it is not.

Fair. However, there was a lot of valuable discussion here in the issue. There's currently some of the user-side of the problem covered in #48752 but lot of the technical details ended up being discussed here instead. #51156 didn't address the ARM64 varargs problem in any way nor did it suggest how it could help address it.

Honestly, I think this should stay open with api-needs-work tag and explanation of why the approach in the original proposal is not good. Just my $0.02.

Is there any progress on supporting varargs in P/Invoke'd native libs? I just patched the padding for varargs to the 9th argument position into Libgit2sharp on OS X arm64, but there should be way to do this without this hack... (which may break again in the future)

Just my two cents:

C#, F#, and VB.Net all have a feature where variadic arguments can be passed via a specially marked array parameter at the end. Coupled with an attribute to identify it, perhaps you could have:

[DllImport("", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern void printf(string format, 
  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariableArguments)] params object[] args)

When I read through the history of this issue, I can see a clear case of perfect becoming the enemy of good. Attempts to support declaring variadic parameters in metadata have soaked up time and energy that could have been spent supporting variadic methods on Mac and Linux at all.

I came across this problem when wrapping Apple's objc_msgSend, which is one of those "it does everything" methods through which a huge number of unrelated calls are routed. (It's usually unwise to write such a method, but I'll give Apple a pass in this case since it's part of the Objective-C runtime and there is supposed to be an entire compiled language sat on top of it.)

Even if we could write a delegate and specify its variadic parameters, we don't want to because there are so many different ways to call objc_msgSend. Many are unique, at least within the set of methods/properties that we want to use.

__arglist is already the perfect solution for our needs. We don't care that it's slower than theoretical alternatives and not type safe. We just want to wrap this one specific call, pass it the appropriate arguments, then move on.

Here is a trimmed version of the code that I would like to write:

public class NSRunningApplication : NSObject
    // 1. Define a variadic native method
    private static extern nint objc_msgSend(nint receiver, nint selector, __arglist);

    // 2. Pass an __arglist
    public static NSRunningApplication? RunningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier(int pid) => 
        FromPointer(objc_msgSend(Class, RunningApplicationWithProcessIdentifierSelector, __arglist(pid)));

As we well know, this fails at runtime because __arglist is only supported on Windows.

Since we only need a limited number of Objective-C interop calls, we will proceed with the hack of padding the parameter list on Arm64. This is a very poor solution, but at least it avoids having to compile a new native library full of very specific objc_msgSend exports for my team's otherwise 100% managed codebase.

__arglist is already the perfect solution for our needs.

It doesn't though. The __arglist concept is for native variadic arguments - let's ignore the platform specific nature of it for now. The objc_msgSend suite of APIs aren't native variadic arguments. The original signature did use ..., which confused many people, but the use of the API was not using "varargs" in most cases, but rather the signature of the target function. Thankfully Apple corrected the signature a few years ago and now removes some of this confusion as it is defined as void objc_msgSend(void). @mikeash wrote a great description of it and I recommend it - see here.

This means that even if we decided to support __arglist as "varargs" it wouldn't help with the objc_msgSend example.

There are definitely use cases for native varargs and there is interest, but the statement "I can see a clear case of perfect becoming the enemy of good" isn't an accurate description of the nature of it being lower priority. The lower priority is based on the narrow cases where it is is needed - real varargs. There are the printf suite of functions but those really have little utility in a .NET application. Yes, there are cases where people do create and want to call Objective-C or C/C++ varargs functions from .NET and we acknowledge the work around is painful, but the interest just hasn't pushed this to the place where it is prioritized higher.

I see, so __arglist implicitly inserts more than just the arguments passed to it? That is indeed not suitable for objc_msgSend, and I can also see the problems that could arise should multiple definitions of "variadic" exist on the same platform.

Solving the problem at its root would require something even lower level than __arglist, such as a similar keyword that inserted just the memory of the objects passed to it and left further decoration or padding to the delegate author. But this seems like an even bigger ask than the current proposals.

My opening statement wasn't describing the priority of the issue, I entirely understand why it's low. I was talking about how high-level parameter attributes were discussed for a long time, instead of starting with a low-level solution which unblocks the functionality and then refining/optimising it later. It was a bit frustrating to watch the years tick by.

(Aside: I'm interested to know how casting objc_msgSend works in native C/C++ on Arm64. Do you also have to insert the padding arguments that we see in C#? If not, how does the compiler know to put the arguments onto the stack instead of into registers?)

I see, so __arglist implicitly inserts more than just the arguments passed to it?

It doesn't necessarily insert more, rather it instructs the JIT to pass the arguments in a certain way. That way conforms to the MSVC implementation of varargs and specifically how C++/CLI assumes they work. The details of how to pass floating point values via varargs is particularly treacherous on most platforms.

Solving the problem at its root would require something even lower level than __arglist, such as a similar keyword that inserted just the memory of the objects passed to it and left further decoration or padding to the delegate author.

That is definitely an option. However, the minimum needed is simply to have an indication for the JIT to know to pass the arguments using the varargs calling convention that is appropriate for the current platform - encoding all of that in the JIT is the real cost. There are some differences of opinion on precisely how one might want to do this. One approach is to provide a "placeholder" (that is, __arglist in C# or ... in C/C++). Another approach is to adorn the method with a calling convention that indicates to pass the arguments as they would be passed using varargs. The former makes the feature more natural from a language perspective but the latter is easier to express and handle in the runtime. A concrete example is helpful.

Using __arglist:

extern static void printf(string fmt, __arglist);

// Usage:
printf("%d", 5);
printf("%f", 3.14);

Use a new attribute:

[NativeVarargsAttribute(VarargBeginIndex = 1)]
extern static void printf(string fmt, int a);
[NativeVarargsAttribute(VarargBeginIndex = 1)]
extern static void printf(string fmt, double a);

// Usage:
printf("%d", 5);
printf("%f", 3.14);

I'm interested to know how casting objc_msgSend works in native C/C++ on Arm64.

That is the agreed upon ABI for varargs.

The attribute-plus-declared-parameters approach is certainly nice. But as I think objc_msgSend demonstrates, it's overly restrictive for some notable real-world use cases. A means to define the arguments at runtime, as __arglist already provides, is valuable.

Unless I misunderstand, the JIT needs to know not just which parts of the method should be variadic, but also which variadic convention should be used. To pose this as a question: does __arglist fail on Windows if the target method was compiled using GCC's libc?

Assuming yes, how about this proposal: multiple keywords, one per supported variadic convention.

extern static void printf(string fmt, argList_raw); // just pass as if normal arguments; would work for objc_msgSend
extern static void printf(string fmt, argList_msvc); // alias for the current __arglist
extern static void printf(string fmt, argList_libc); // other conventions added as deemed appropriate

MSVC support is obvious, and I include "raw" partly because it's what I need, but also because it's the simplest possible convention. Going further with libc etc. is up for debate.

If it's not practical to add multiple keywords, then the variadic convention can instead be declared in a method attribute.

Fully-typed signatures can still be achieved by wrapping the extern in a normal C# method:

extern static void printf(string fmt, argList_msvc);

static void printf(string fmt, double a) => printf(fmt, argList_msvc(a));

I'm sure this would be slower to execute than an extern decorated with NativeVarargsAttribute, but it's better to have an optimisation problem than a functionality problem. In this particular example the JIT knows exactly which types are being passed, so could in future use that information to optimise the call.

The biggest uncertainty I have is this: how much harder it is to support this approach in the runtime, compared to attributes?

That is the agreed upon ABI for varargs.

Good, so that can be hardcoded on Arm64 regardless of the variadic convention in use. One less language feature required!

It also looks like the new attribute solution wouldn't handle the situation of reverse p/invoke well.
the argList_* solution looks at least at a glance better suited for reverse p/invoke,

How well does each solution handle a function defined with va_list instead of ...?
I guess you could just have an [DllImport(@"va_list")] like you have a [DllImport(@"...")] in the above example,
or maybe a [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VaList)] instead of a default of [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariadicArguments)] on the argList_* type.

ohroy commented

any update ?