
Ask about HttpResponse.Filter

Clounea opened this issue · 0 comments


Our repo uses HttpResponse.Filter which is not supported by ASP.NetCore and this adapters.
I want to ask if there is equivalent and if there is plan to add them to adapter.

Motivation and goals

We need migrate code (an API in Sharepoint) to ASP.NetCore and we find that the APIs are not supported by ASP.NetCore.

In scope



// BeginRequestHandler: Use CustomizedStream to control the Write operation
if ((null != context.Response) && (null != context.Response.Filter))
    context.Response.Filter = new CustomizedStream(context.Response.Filter, context);

// EndRequestHandler: get the prop which is calculated during Write operation
var stream = context.Response.Filter as CustomizedStream;
var myprop = stream.prop