
C# template.json problem with uppercase name values editortreatas solition

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Visual Studio

Describe The Bug


We have been setting up template solution with multiple projects.
The approach is that we’re using a template.json config file in the C# Solution.

When we creating a new solution with the template and set the name with uppercase characters
for example: “MyNewSolution”.

An new Solution will be created but all the replacements contains lowercase characters “mynewsolution”, all the uppercase characters are gone.

When we don’t use the option “EditorTreatAs”: “solution” then we get the all the replacements with upper en lowercase characters

To Reproduce


  1. Create a new tamplate json
    { "$schema": "", "sln": { "slnFileName": "placeholder_projectname.API.sln" }, "author": "Company", "classifications": [ "WebAPI", "Team X" ], "name": "Team.X.WebAPI.Template", "identity": "Team.X.WebAPI.Template", "shortName": "teamxwebapi", "tags": { "language": "C#", "type": "solution", "editorTreatAs": "solution" }, "sourceName": "placeholder_projectname", "preferNameDirectory": true }
  2. Import new template
  3. Create new project/solution with the new template and set the name with upper and lowercase characters
  4. Project/solution is created and shows lowercase namings

dotnet Info


Visual Studio Version


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