
Generics interface inherit bugs in ASP.NET Core 6

changemyminds opened this issue · 0 comments

I have an interface need inherit other interfaces. But when I inherit the generics interface and call it method the AbstractInterceptorAttribute isn't work fine.

Here is reproduce example.

  • DemoInterface.cs
public class Sample

public interface IGenericService<T>
    T TestGeneric1();
    void TestGeneric2();

public interface IAService
    void TestA();

public interface IBService : IAService, IGenericService<Sample>
    void TestB();

public class TestService : IBService
    public void TestA()
        System.Console.WriteLine("Call TestA");

    public void TestB()
        System.Console.WriteLine("Call TestB");

    public Sample TestGeneric1()
        System.Console.WriteLine("Call TestGeneric1");
        return new Sample();

    public void TestGeneric2()
        System.Console.WriteLine("Call TestGeneric2");
  • TestAopAttribute.cs
public class TestAopAttribute : AbstractInterceptorAttribute
    public override async Task Invoke(AspectContext context, AspectDelegate next)
        var className = context.Implementation.GetType().FullName;
        var methodName = context.ServiceMethod.Name; 
        System.Console.WriteLine($"{className}, {methodName}");
        await next(context);
  • Program.cs
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.ConfigureDynamicProxy(config =>
builder.Host.UseServiceProviderFactory(new DynamicProxyServiceProviderFactory());

var app = builder.Build();
using var scop = app.Services.CreateScope();
var bService = scop.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IBService>();

I expect console print result.

AspectCore_Framework.Bugs.TestService, TestA
Call TestA
AspectCore_Framework.Bugs.TestService, TestB
Call TestB
AspectCore_Framework.Bugs.TestService, TestGeneric1
Call TestGeneric1
AspectCore_Framework.Bugs.TestService, TestGeneric2
Call TestGeneric2

But actually console print result.

AspectCore_Framework.Bugs.TestService, TestA
Call TestA
AspectCore_Framework.Bugs.TestService, TestB
Call TestB
Call TestGeneric1
Call TestGeneric2

If I use this case in Castle.Core library everything work fine see demo project. But I like
AspectCore-Framework library anybody can help ?