
doc(DatePicker): Incorrect description for IsShown attribute

Closed this issue · 1 comments

azlis commented

Document describing which component

Issue Description

There appears to be an error in the documentation for the DatePicker component regarding the IsShown attribute.

Expected Behavior

The IsShown attribute should be described as controlling the visibility of the DatePicker component, allowing developers to programmatically show or hide the component.

Current Description

The current documentation for the IsShown attribute does not accurately reflect its purpose or functionality. The description may lead to confusion about how and when to use this attribute.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to the DatePicker component documentation.
  2. Locate the Attributes section.
  3. Observe the description for the IsShown attribute.

Suggested Correction

I suggest that the description for the IsShown attribute be updated to clearly indicate that it controls the visibility of the DatePicker component. An example description could be:

"The IsShown attribute determines whether the DatePicker component is visible on the screen. Setting this attribute to true displays the component, while setting it to false hides it from view."

Additional Information

  • Documentation URL: [Doc Url]
  • Version of the component/library: [latest]

Please let me know if you need any more information or if I can assist in resolving this documentation issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

@azlis Thank you for submitting the document which is very important for our project.