
Workshops for dev

ferdikosasih172147 opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi @yang-xiaodong,

Currently, we are quite new in Message Broker Technology and also CAP with distributed transactions.
I was wondering if you as the author of Dotnet CAP could help us to learn CAP and Kafka architecture so my developers can maximize the technologies.
If you are open, probably we could arrange online meetings to discuss this further.

Is there any budget for this training, since I can only speak in Chinese, perhaps I could ask our contributors.

Hi @yang-xiaodong ,
No problem, we could arrange google meet for further details. Would you share your email?
Thank you

Hi @mviegas @demorgi @3ldar @MahmoudSamir101 ,

If anyone is interested for this, please leave your email

Hi @mviegas @demorgi @3ldar @MahmoudSamir101 ,

If anyone is interested for this, please leave your email

You can reach me out via linkedin in my profile (, I can cover message broker tech itself and azure service bus integration with CAP (English or Ukrainian language), also kafka integration is also on a table

My mail address is: . I may not be responsive for upcoming two weeks but sure I will respond any questions over email.

Hi folks! Feel free to reach out via Linkedin. Happy to help with CAP and Azure Service Bus as a transport.

Hi folks! Thank you for your response. I will reach you out in this week.
@yang-xiaodong Can I reach you via email?