Memo for the use of the JetBrains open source project licenses
alexinea opened this issue · 1 comments
Memo for the use of the JetBrains open source project licenses
关于公开 NCC 的 JetBrains 开源项目许可的使用状况的备忘
If you have a good idea, please reply to this issue. It is recommended to reply in English.
建议请回复本 issue,建议使用英语回复
NCC organization has received some open source project license sponsorship from JetBrains
NCC 组织获得了一些 JetBrains 公司的开源项目许可证赞助
Based on the principle of openness and transparency, I propose to publicize the use of the license.
The information includes: the number of licenses obtained for member projects, and the individual who obtained the license.
Public information does not include the following:
- Total number of licenses obtained by NCC
- Licenses purchased by developers themselves
- Open source project license for the development team to apply for itself
- NCC 获得的授权许可的总数
- 开发者自己购买的授权许可
- 开发团队自行申请的开源项目授权许可
If you have comments or suggestions about this issue, you can send feedback via gitter, NCC WeChat MpAccount, NCC WeChat group, NCC QQ group or directly reply to this issue.
如果你对本 issue 有意见或建议,可以通过 gitter、NCC 公众号、NCC 微信群、NCC QQ 群或直接回复本 issue 进行反馈。