
Can you use your repo to download only audio part of m3u8 stream?

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For my project, I have to do this: for some specific m3u8 streams, I need to download only the audio part, then merge the downloaded part into smaller WAV files with 16KHz frequency; so I can use other library to convert the speech to text.
Let me know if it is possible. If yes, can you show some ideas or some code samples?

Does the m3u8 stream contain video segments that you want to extract audio from? Or does it contain audio-only segments directly?

The HLS live stream contains both audio and video data.
Can you write some example code for this?
But I want to run the program target .net 8.0 for Windows for my WinForms project.

I believe it's not possible to grab only audio directly from an HLS stream. You'll need to download everything first and then extract the audio.

No, I found how to do this, but it is not easy to do.