
Remove japanese characters

Opened this issue · 3 comments

There seems to be a weird bug when trying to upload screenshots through the browser which are in a folder with japanese characters (at least I think this is the root issue because all other games have no issue).

For example if I try to upload screenshots from the game School idol paradise (the folder name is "ラブライブ! SIP Vol.1 Printemps") the upload will fail and the connection will time out. If I disable reScreeney, take a screenshot and upload that one (which is now in a standard folder) it works.

You can also observe this when you create a folder with japanese characters on your pc and try to copy them to the Vita through the gallery - a question mark is shown instead. It works with the "normal" alphabet. The console doesn't seem to like them.

So is the issue the browser on the vita doesn't like uploads with unicode characters?

Seems so, yes

Wow quick response! Alright I'll look into a way of remedying it when I get the time. I ideally don't want remove the japanese

(I honestly don't know how to do that without changing fundamentally how reScreeny works atm)