
Scheduler failover flag is unsettable

efritz opened this issue · 13 comments

There is no way to set the _failover flag in the scheduler driver. The current behavior means that if the scheduler throws an unexpected exception, all the tasks running on that framework are immediately terminated.

There should be a supported way to set this value to True.

Thx. I will work on it.

OK, this problem is a bit complicated.
_failover is a internal status to help pymesos decide whether or not to tear down the framework when process exits.
And user can make _failover True when using sched.stop(failover=True)

But I realize it is not enough to set _failover just when stop. When exceptions are raised, no stop would be called and the _failover will always False.

So I think we should add a default failover status when init the scheduler. And user can override the failover flag when stop.

This would be great - for now I've basically done this by setting the flag to true directly after initialization (but since it is setting a private car it is a temporary hack).

fixed in #74

Any chance to cut a minor or patch version with this change?

Of course! But I need to do some more test, and the new version I think will be available on Monday.

Any progress on a new version? Sorry to keep pestering.

But it seems pypi is not up to date

Sorry, didn't notice! Was waiting for the version in master to change.

Damm, I forgot to bump the package version. My bad, 0.2.14 will be re-released shortly.


0.2.14 re-released.