
Auto-Revert mode over Tramp freezes Emacs

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Enabling the auto-revert-mode (o r by default) in a buffer which is looking at a log file over Tramp makes Emacs (almost) unresponsive.

I cannot reproduce this. Can it be related to how the Auto-revert mode is configured? Can you reproduce with emacs -q? Does it perform better if you switch the buffer to Fundamental mode?

I can confirm with debian testing and emacs 27.1 a tramp opened file doesn't revert at all eg /var/log/syslog. I chmodded it to 755 and opened without tramp and auto revert works fine. So tramp issue probably but I haven't looked into it yet.

That it doesn't revert is not necessarily a bug, see issue #30. Check variable auto-revert-remote-files.

The question is, does it make Emacs (almost) unresponsive for you?

Per your Q, I just tested with auto-revert-remote-files (it's local but maybe tramp is "remote") with syslog again read-protected and opened with tramp - it doesn't auto revert.

Edit: I added syslog to auto-mode-alist to trigger logview. revert now works - so either I screwed up earlier, likely, or auto-mode-alist switching on made a difference, unlikely;).

Generally, when something doesn't work over Tramp, check if it is different without Logview (e.g. in Fundamental mode). Logview currently contains nothing Tramp-specific at all, so it is quite unlikely that something additional breaks compared to basic (non-Logview) functionality.