
Read-only on buffers not visiting a file => error

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cch1 commented

A buffer with output of a log stream (STDOUT) causes emacs errors as log messages are written. If I disable read-only-mode, all is good.

error in process filter: Buffer is read-only: #<buffer *nrepl-server*>

This doesn't sound like a bug in Logview. The mode puts buffer in read-only mode most of its keybindings are self-insertion commands otherwise.

cch1 commented

I think that's what I am saying: if it's not possible to confirm that the buffer is a non-tailed file, does it make sense to put the buffer in read-only-mode?

It makes sense because it makes Logview commands much easier to type. Also, Logview provides several ways to tail logfiles itself (see 'x', 'g', 'o t'). I frankly didn't even consider that something would write directly into a buffer, I always work with external logs myself. If you control the way buffer is written to, see `inhibit-read-only' variable (Logview uses it too, because normally in read-only buffer you cannot even change faces).

In any case, making buffer non-read-only by default is out of question, because that breaks the way people (most importantly, me) work with the mode.