
Working demo with babel6 + karma

fernandofleury opened this issue · 5 comments

I've bumping my head to make proper babel6 code coverage using isparta + karma.

Right now this is the error I get from it:

Post-processing using source maps Nothing mapped from file:

My karma config:

coverageReporter: {
      instrumenters: {
        isparta : require('isparta')
      instrumenter: {
        '*.js': 'isparta'
babelPreprocessor: {
      options: {
        sourceMap: 'inline'

Same here, without karma. I just get No coverage information was collected, exit without writing coverage information with no other information or error output.

As in right now, I can generate a pseudo babel6 coverage:


As you can see, the generated coverage is not properly formatted. It's still covering es5 code.

kt3k commented

This is my example of generating es6 coverage report with karma + karma-browserify + isparta(v4).

@kt3k That's a pretty clever ideia. I've managed to make it work as well!

kt3k commented

Currently istanbul's official babel-plugin-istanbul can instrument es6 code. I think that is now the most reliable way to create coverage report of es6 scripts.