Built on Bits

An app for organizing your life, your business, your goals.

This app will help you:

  1. Set your goals

  2. Break them down into key components

    1. Measurable goals
    2. Aspirational values
  3. Iterate on your plan

    1. Measure what can be measured
    2. Reflect on what matters
    3. Test theories
    4. Update often
  4. Recognize success

  5. Help others

Technical Info

Web Application

This is a Rust application, source is in the builtonbits folder.

Rust was chosen for it's strong typing, performance, lean footprint, and fascination with the language.

GUI Code

This is an plain HTML + CSS + JavaScript Stack.

These tools have a come a long way in the last 10 years and I no longer see the point of adding the pain of frameworks. You get so much out of the box! Let's just use what's there.

Build Tools

This project is 'tooling light' - there's not much to running it since we're not using much more than built in features of the languages.

Tool Purpose
node Runs JavaScript Tests, required for npm
npm JavaScript package manager
cargo Rust dependency management and build tool
make Build scripts