
The goal of this project is to research how SQLAlchemy handles DB connections and sessions.


Run Locally

  • Install Python 3.9+
  • Install PostgreSQL Dev Binaries (for building psycopg2)
    • This may depend on installing GCC or other C compiler as well as OpenSSL or other TLS libraries
  • Then:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install poetry
python -m poetry install


These are instructions for using this test environment.

Run Docker Compose for Environment:

docker-compose up

Run Telegraf for metrics:

telegraf --config telegraf.conf

Connect to Adminer

Log in:

Attribute Value
System PostgreSQL
Server postgres
Username postgres
Password postgres
Database postgres

Connect to InfluxDB

Attribute Value
Username influxdb
Password influxdb

Links to Dashboards:

Run Tests:

# alias poetry="python -m poetry"
poetry run pytest