
It is an Android App that shows the list of upcomming movies.

Primary LanguageJava


It is an Android App that shows the list of upcoming movies and gives the user more information about them.

To run this app

If you have AndroidStudio installed in your machine, you just need to import the UpComingMovies folder and press the Run button.

  • If you had trouble with emulator internet connection(in Windows) you could try to run this code below:
{your_android_sdk_folder}\emulator\emulator.exe -avd {name_of_your_emulator} -dns-server


The UIInteraction test is a test created with espresso. You can run the test just right clicking in AndroidStudio Project tab and selecting Run UIInteractionTest.


There are two views for this application: The first one showing all the up comming movies:

The second one when you select one of the movies to see more information: