
gotchas within the blacktooth33 and blacktooth34 rooms

hendrikbez opened this issue · 17 comments

When you fall from the room above, you loose al your life for falling down , as the enemy always go the same route to get to you, you can not do anything to escape the enemy

But how it goes in the original game 🤔? Heels can’t control him/her-self on the fly....

Either way, it looks like this “imperial guard” hunter machine’s behavior needs to be modified to not see the character above it

okay now?

don’t hunt if above.gif

And yes, since you already asked about cheats... Such cases are the real reason to use them. For the situation mentioned, I’d suggest using [ alt ] & [ shift ] & [ y ] to become invulnerable for 25 seconds. The list of cheat key combinations is published on the project’s wiki

meanwhile, the “weight” (the speed of falling down) of Heels seems too low, (s)he is certainly heavier least when compared with the Head’s speed of falling

This is how that is at the current moment


the flickering of shadows on the floor (visible on this movie) was fixed in 0600ee2

Thank you

falling down is accelerated now
since ab6baa6

the blacktooth33.xml room is one of the hardest in this game

that blacktooth33 room

...and once you passed it and went up, you meet that volatile brick in blacktooth34.xml

<behavior>behavior of disappearance on jump into</behavior>

meanwhile there’s also the "behavior of slow disappearance on jump into" which takes twenty (20) times longer before vanishing

const float longDelayBeforeDisappearance = delayBeforeDisappearance * 20 ;

I’m sure the latter will fit the gameplay better for both lowering the walkthru difficulty and holding the surprise of the brick’s disappearance

Thank you, will test it later today

after c2e66bb and 99ddae7 I think this issue is closed

What do you use to make a gif video in ubuntu, I need to make one to show you a bug in a screen. (I am new to linux)

🤔 maybe add an article about it on the project’s wiki

The videos I uploaded here are in fact GIF animations. At first I collect the sequence of in-game screen captures, that’s done by the game itself : to begin a recording hold [ alt ] [ shift ] and type [ v ], the same keys again will end the process. The recorded captures are put inside ~/.headoverheels/capture/ and have names of the same random set of 10 letters and digits followed by the sequence number of a frame. The file format of captures is PCX (because allegro library supports that)

Then I’m converting such a sequence of pictures into a GIF animation. I wrote how I do this in the recent 333rd commit efeec5c (and sure you can find some other easier way to turn a bunch of PCXes into a GIF animation)

I’m closing this

You can close it