
Make right slide ask for group deletion, and add background colors

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I can add groups, but it is not possible to remove them. Can you add a waste basket icon next to the groups?

Yes!! Extremely annoying. How was this missed during development.

I am also facing this. Please check into it.

It is possible to delete groups but it is hidden. Go to Settings>Edit Group. Hold and slide left on any group name that is not the current group you are currently in. Click on trash can.

@Whispergod Thanks.

It is possible to delete groups but it is hidden. Go to Settings>Edit Group.

It could be done in the group window outside Edit Group as well.

Left slide will ask for group deletion but not right slide like for task deletion. I suggest a unified command by setting right slide for group deletion, left slide can be kept to do this as well.

@davidhedlund Were you waiting a year to hear my answer? I actually just got this app today.


Were you waiting a year to hear my answer?

Yes, but I'm not alone. =)


@douzifly Another reason why it's hard to figure out why it's possible to delete groups is because the group entries lack background colors. The group list has a plain white background.