
Hint on "inplace=False" happens when in plot/show

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As I understand, the dov hints when a line calls a function with "inplace=False" (explicitly or implicitly by default) but there's no assignment.

However, sometimes functions are called in order to show the results in an output cell, or a plot.

For example, I might want to call
pd.Series(data=model.feature_importances_, index=features).sort_values(ascending=False)
In order to inspect the top features, even without assignment.

Possible workarounds/solutions:

  1. On the user side - Assign, then show/plot. That might even be good practice that I'm avoiding.
  2. On the dov side - Can it know that a line is about to send output? or to plot? If not, maybe leech on the default, and suppress the hint when inplace=False is explicit?