Lightweight, accessible, customizable and fast Dropdown Tree Select component for React
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The disabled item is affected by parent
#674 opened by UmNiK7 - 2
Dealing with too many pills
#671 opened by OreFoX18 - 1
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Render calls reset the search filter on the list
#655 opened by ramijaschek - 1
custom renderer for label
#670 opened by aryansingh0203 - 2
How can I remove the tags that appear when a node is selected in the dropdown?
#667 opened by siddhishree - 0
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Close the selection menu
#663 opened by GabrieleT0 - 3
If showDropdown is set to 'always', error occurs when unchecking all and checking an option again after search
#601 opened by arunkanteiu - 1
Nodes expanded state are not updated when search
#662 opened by baranseldinc - 2
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I'm having the same problem where useState isn't working and if I use it, the checkbox values disappear.
#659 opened by matrixmandeep - 1
useState is not getting updated
#658 opened by matrixmandeep - 1
ADA incompatibility
#656 opened by hari-charan - 1
All child nodes are showed in search input instead of showing only parent node when select parent node
#605 opened by thanhvu233 - 3
Issue when click item in long scrollable list
#652 opened by nguyenson2012 - 3
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rtl support
#642 opened by GideonMax - 7
The searchTerm in the searchPredicate function is never an empty string
#637 opened by lennertVanSever - 3
React 18 Strict mode warning: "Using UNSAFE_xxxxx in strict mode is not recommended and may indicate bugs in your code."
#618 opened by salehmdev - 4
Not able to add scrollbar and search input within a child node that has children.
#630 opened by sunday-ucheawaji - 0
Expand to selected item
#638 opened by DavidNguyenvp - 0
React useState error
#635 opened by parth469 - 1
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Unable to serve the cloned repository on local host so as to make changes
#632 opened by sunday-ucheawaji - 3
multiSelect + radioSelect && input + multiSelect
#625 opened by atkxyh - 1
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On scroll event
#620 opened by BhaveshSeamless - 1
Specifying custom value and label fields
#624 opened by grigandal625 - 1
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Erro: Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined
#619 opened by GabrielBarreto18 - 4
Not able to set the state of the parent component on selecting the items in dropdown
#616 opened by Geetha198119071999 - 2
Hide placeholder when user selected a node of tree
#609 opened by thanhvu233 - 0
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Feature is not working as expected in "react": "^18.0.0", "react-dropdown-tree-select": "2.8.0"
#615 opened by ChaitraNarayanaSwamy - 2
Library size
#611 opened by xkr4fn4x - 1
How to get DropdownTreeSelect serchbox value in ReactJs, we need treeview based on search like autocomplete
#606 opened by viveksatle1510 - 0
toggling question
#612 opened by yushisalvador - 2
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How to get children values on selectedNodes on onChange method when parent is selected?
#596 opened by VSV6 - 2
Not able to access the state within the onChange method.
#597 opened by VSV6 - 0
I actually found a work around for my project. I added `.dropdown-content{ overflow-y: auto }` to my css and it scrolls properly for me.
#594 opened by JoseSNubimetrics - 1
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Highlight match on search
#588 opened by carantunes