
Error 10, Unknown server client ID when authenticate with Google

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Cordova android.
Several months ago I try this repo is running well, but some days ago I fresh clone and try again get some error.

Fresh clone from this repository.
Configuring SERVER_CLIENT_ID with OAuth Client ID which auto generated from firebase create android app.
I also already copy google-service.json to my project
I double check that my SHA1 is correct, but I still get error "Unknown server client ID".
Is any change from google terms or any config I missing ?

The same happening here, it does not work with my client ID. I tried using both Web Application's Client ID and Android's Client ID and neither of them work.

Is there any extra configuration needed?

Hi, I am facing the same issue. is someone solve it?

I am also facing this "Unknown server client ID" issue. Any help?

I fixed it by adding to firebase console SHA-1 android debug, on windows run the command below:
keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore

Check this link for more details: https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth?authuser=0

Yes! That works!