
iOS 17/Xcode 15 build issues

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Has anyone tried building an app with this plugin for iOS 17 yet?

It seems that the plugin needs to be updated for iOS17. There are following problems within the Firebase Pods folder:

  1. In the xcconfig files, 'DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR' needs to be replaced with 'TOOLCHAIN_DIR'
  2. I'm getting following error for the file 'Pods/FirebaseFirestore/Firestore/Source/API/FIRFirestoreSettings.mm' line 33: An attribute list cannot appear here
    It can be fixed by replacing
    ABSL_CONST_INIT extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited = Settings::CacheSizeUnlimited;
    const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited = Settings::CacheSizeUnlimited;
    (But I do not know if this can result in any problems)

With the corresponding fixes, I'm able to build the app and push notifications are working.

I have the same issue

I have the same issue as well. @peterfriese

xiesw commented

same issue


I have the same issue whenever I run my existing app after updating Xcode 15.0.


Please give solution as soon as possible.

dpa99c commented

The issue isn't that this plugin doesn't support Xcode 15 / iOS 17, it's that the default pinned version (v10.10.0) of the Firebase SDK for iOS does not.

Try specifying the latest version (v10.15.0) of the Firebase SDK for iOS when installing the plugin into your project:

cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-firebasex 
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebasex --variable IOS_FIREBASE_SDK_VERSION=10.15.0

If you get build errors with this, make sure your local Cocoapods repo is up-to-date

@dpa99c I am running the Flutter app this issue is occurring?

Do you have any idea?


I have the same issue whenever I run my existing app after updating Xcode 15.0.


Please give solution as soon as possible.

I solved this issue on Xcode by using dpa99c's solution. Go to Project > Project Dependencies > Change Firebase to 10.0.15. Screenshot below.

The issue isn't that this plugin doesn't support Xcode 15 / iOS 17, it's that the default pinned version (v10.10.0) of the Firebase SDK for iOS does not.

Try specifying the latest version (v10.15.0) of the Firebase SDK for iOS when installing the plugin into your project:

cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-firebasex 
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebasex --variable IOS_FIREBASE_SDK_VERSION=10.15.0

If you get build errors with this, make sure your local Cocoapods repo is up-to-date

Thanks man.

I have the same issue

and i have the same issue

dpa99c commented

Please use the solution above to resolve this issue with the Firebase SDK for iOS.

Please use the solution above to resolve this issue with the Firebase SDK for iOS.



dpa99c commented

@peterdsp you removed and re-added the plugin with the new SDK version specified?

If that doesn't resolve it, also remove and re-add the iOS platform project:

cordova platform rm ios --nosave && cordova platform add ios --nosave

pod install
Analyzing dependencies
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Firestore":
In Podfile:
Firebase/Firestore (= 10.0.15)

dpa99c commented

@peterdsp did you run pod repo update (as instructed above) to update your local Cocoapods repo with the latest pod versions?

but it keeps not running with the same error

Build is not failing only if I change in FIRFirestoneSettings.mm
ABSL_CONST_INIT extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited =

extern "C" const int64_t kFIRFirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited =

@dpa99c @peterdsp

Yes pod repo update is working, But if anyone is using Flutter please update the Firebase library in the pubspec.yml file first then it works.

dpa99c commented

If using Cordova, make sure you're use the latest Cordova iOS platform version:

cordova platform rm ios && cordova platform add ios@latest

I dont use flutter is a native swift project, the error appeared after ios 17 & xcode 15 update

I dont use flutter is a native swift project

So you have to install the latest copapods using this,

cordova platform rm ios && cordova platform add ios@latest

cordova platform rm ios && cordova platform add ios@latest

I get this: Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.

dpa99c commented

@peterdsp Is it a Cordova project?
Did you use the Cordova CLI to create the Xcode project?

Here are the latest release versions of Firebase.
Link:- https://firebase.google.com/support/release-notes/ios

You have to update your Fireastore version to "Version 10.15.0".


This issue has been solved in the official Firebase-IOS-SDK.

Here is the link,

Found the solution!
add on podfile

pod 'FirebaseFirestore', :git => 'https://github.com/invertase/firestore-ios-sdk-frameworks.git', :tag => '10.15.0'

Nazar2 commented

same issue

dpa99c commented

Locking this issue now as the solution above is clear

Closing as resolved