
Re: Update your apps to the latest Firebase Cloud Messaging APIs and SDKs

hitestmail opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature request

  • Recently we got an email from the Firebase about their deprecating APIs.
  • I am using cordova-plugin-firebasex in my app to send push notifications from both iOS and Android.
  • They are stating below two points that we are using from deprecating SDK.
Your recent usage of impacted APIs/features: Server Keys
Your recent usage of impacted APIs/features: Legacy HTTP protocol --
- Can we please get an update about this as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Server Keys are managed in the Firebase console and nothing to do with this plugin:

Legacy HTTP protocol relates to how you are sending messages from your server to the Firebase Cloud Messaging service - again nothing to do with this plugin:

On a side note, although the plugin by default pins recent version of Firebase SDK components when installed, you can override this with plugin variables to install the very latest Firebase SDKs if you so wish: