
15 puzzle animation in CMD (for Windows) on C++ using slidycli

Primary LanguageC++

15puzzleAnimateCLI - Animation Tool for Windows CMD (C++)

15puzzleAnimateCLI is a specialized animation tool developed for the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) using C++. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, this tool allows you to create captivating animations of the 15 Puzzle concept within the Windows CMD window.

Please Note: The animations created with 15puzzleAnimateCLI are designed to be displayed solely within the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) environment and do not generate any standalone animation files. For video animations you may like to use this python script.


Before using 15puzzleAnimateCLI, make sure to have the "slidycli" tool installed. You can find it at slidy-cli.


Follow these steps to create your 15 Puzzle animations:

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.

  2. Compile the tool by running compile.bat from src folder, or simply use existing files if you prefer the precompiled version.

  3. Run folder in CMD, or add it in PATH. Now, you can create an animation using the following example command:

    animate "10 7 6 11/1 3 12 5/4 13 14 2/9 0 15 8" "DLDLDRRUURULLDRDLULDDRRRULDLUULURRDDLLDRRULLUU"

    This command will animate the 15 Puzzle with the initial configuration 10 7 6 11/1 3 12 5/4 13 14 2/9 0 15 8, following the sequence of movements provided in the second argument DLDLDRRUURULLDRDLULDDRRRULDLUULURRDDLLDRRULLUU.

    Ensure that the input format for the 15 Puzzle configuration is correct, with numbers separated by spaces, and each row separated by a forward slash. The movement sequence should consist of characters 'U' (up), 'D' (down), 'L' (left), and 'R' (right) to represent the sliding direction of the tile (short notation with numbers also supported: U3LDR2D2L2URUDRDULULDR2DLUR2DL3URURULDRURDL2DRULUR2DL2ULDRURDLDRUL2DRU2RDLULDRURDL2U).

  4. Additionally, if you wish to animate the entire solution for a specific 15 Puzzle configuration without having to provide the initial configuration separately, you can do so by running the command animate followed by the movement sequence in the format


    This command will automatically animate the 15 Puzzle solving process for the given sequence of movements, without the need for specifying the initial configuration. Simply run the command as is, without enclosing the movement sequence in quotes, and enjoy watching the animation of the complete solution.

Creating 15 Puzzle Animations

The 15 Puzzle Animation Tool lets you craft animations based on the classic 15 Puzzle concept. It enables you to animate the sliding of numbered tiles on a 4x4 grid directly within the Windows Command Prompt.

Key Features:

  • Simple Interface: Enjoy a user-friendly interface for creating 15 Puzzle animations without unnecessary complexities.
  • CMD-based Animation: Utilize the convenience of creating animations directly within the Windows Command Prompt environment.
  • Powered by "slidycli": Leverage the capabilities of the "slidycli" library to produce smooth and captivating animations.

Get Started

Explore the possibilities of animation with 15puzzleAnimateCLI! Create interactive sliding tile sequences and bring your ideas to life within the Windows Command Prompt.

Note: For any issues or suggestions, please feel free to contribute to the project on GitHub.

Embark on your animation journey with 15puzzleAnimateCLI! 🚀🎞️