
Allow identities to choose a preferred channel

Opened this issue · 3 comments

dpi commented

Add a preference and site defaults for determining which channel a message should be sent.

dpi commented

Until this is implemented, you can manually select which channel to use with by hard-coding the return value of IdentityChannelManager::getChannelsForIdentity()

dpi commented

Site defaults are now implemented in UI.

Individual identity preferences are planned.

Not so sure the preference selection works for all use cases like this.

IMHO it could be that i (as a recipient) would prefer a channel for some specific messages / message types. This definitively wouldn't be a "everything through this channel" preference. It would be more a promotion of specific messages / message groups to a push channel.

Also since the push channel might be subject for some 100 characters, while a mail can be extensive, i'm not so sure an SMS or push channel can fully replace mail. Instead, a user might prefer to always receive the mail and additionally receive the push / SMS notification.