
Courier TemplateCollectionList element does not work with Drupal 8.1

Closed this issue · 5 comments

dpi commented

Courier template ajax widget seems to have stopped working in 8.1 (as at 8.1.0-rc1)

Edit (Thu Apr 21 2016): For reference: this bug does not affect Drupal core 8.0, only 8.1 and later.

dpi commented

Wow thanks! Hadn't had the time to look into this yet.

dpi commented

Ive applied the patch and it seems to have gotten the form working, it will save etc.

However if I press the "Email" template button to reload the template again in the same request, nothing happens.

In addition to this, the token list is not loading:





It seems only the first request is processed? The network requests appear to be coming through in my Firefox console.

This could of course be an issue with the Courier js

Fixed both things, was not really a core issue as jquery object is not supported, so here is the pull request #27

dpi commented

Fortunately https://www.drupal.org/node/2705327 can be fixed on our side.

However Method removing expired drupalSettings.ajax tries to remove settings when there is no ajax defined is actually the only remaining issue that I cannot fix. Its causing the TemplateCollectionList element to prevent any more AJAX calls after two are made. (Edit: See #28)