
HTML is being escaped in E-Mails

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When using courier in combination with swiftmailer.module the email content HTML is being escaped. All HTML entities are written as plain text (e.g. "


"while the mail itself is a HTML mail.

Courier offers a WYSIWYG textarea for the email text and should therefor work with HTML content.

@JPustkuchen Found any solution for this?

Sadly not and @dpi seems to be inactive. :(

I think it is more of an issue with drupal core mailing system and not specific to this. We need to add some extra modules to enable html mails. Do some research you will find out. @JPustkuchen

Anyone found a solution to this? - We're using Mail System along with Swiftmailer, which works fine for system emails or emails coming from other modules, but results in this problem with emails being send through Courier (specifically emails originating from RNG).