
Replace Drupal Mails with Courier

Opened this issue · 2 comments

dpi commented

Hijack Drupal's e-mails and replace with TemplateCollections.

For example:

  • All emails found on Account settings (/admin/config/people/accounts):
  • Welcome
  • Account activation
  • Account blocked
  • Account cancellation
  • Password recovery
  • System updates (/admin/reports/updates/settings)

Low priority, I doubt I will give this attention soon. Feel free to self-assign.

dpi commented
  • Needs Template editing UI. Committed: 005b32e
  • Improve Remove 'Master enable' checkbox. Commited: 53d29fb
  • Override UI at Account Settings with links to edit templates. #13
  • Implement Access Control for courier_system templates. (Allow users with administer account settings). Commited: 086a955
  • Tests. Committed: 37f9aef
  • Allow UI to turn on/off both Drupal or Courier email events: Duplicate checkbox functions as they appear on Account Settings form.
dpi commented

Added tests. 37f9aef