Tweeter Project
Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone built with HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and AJAX. Users are able to post tweets to the tweet feed with a 140 character restriction. Fake user profile data will populate the tweet feed as tweets are submitted.
Posting a tweet (Desktop version) |
Quick scroll-up (Desktop version) |
Posting a tweet & quick scroll up (Mobile version) |
- Create a new repository using this repository as a template.
- Clone your repository onto your local device.
- Install dependencies using the
npm install
- Start the web server using the
npm run local
command. The app will be served at http://localhost:8080/.
- Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
- Have fun.
- Express
- Node 5.10.x or above
- Body-parser 1.15.x or above
- chance 1.0.2 or above
- md5 2.1.x or above