
[FIXED] Ubuntu Kylin (16.04) Bug

dpnishant opened this issue · 6 comments


If you face such an error while trying to run Raptor on Ubuntu Kylin (16.04) you may follow the steps below to resolve the issue, hopefully:

  1. Clone a fresh copy of the repository with git clone https://dpnishant/raptor OR pull the latest changes to your local repository by running git pull origin master
  2. Download the Installer patch file from the Gist here
  3. Apply the patch by running patch install.sh -i raptor_kylin_install.patch -o install_kylin.sh
  4. Execute the installer script by running sudo -H sh install_kylin.sh
  5. After that follow the instructions on README.md as normal.

If you still face any other error, feel free to open new issues.

CREDIT: I would like to thank Prajal Kulkarni (@prajal) for reporting this issue to me.

Yup this works! Thanks

Thanks for the confirmation @prajal! Closing.

Error is always Service Unavailable

"patch install.sh -i raptor_kylin_install.patch -o install_kylin.sh
patching file install_kylin.sh (read from install.sh)
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
patch: **** unexpected end of file in patch at line 42"

Hi @Shazgul,

Updated the patch file https://gist.github.com/dpnishant/9afaa7916cf2ae2de548c6b2382be94e. Try patching it again and run the install script.