
Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded

Globegitter opened this issue · 4 comments

Was just trying out this addon and getting the following error:

Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded

Looks very interesting, so thought it would be useful to post :)

Hey @Globegitter
thank you for reporting the finding. Can you tell me on which platform this error message came up? Did it happen all the time you are using the plugin?

I am in Ubuntu 16.04, will try again to see if it happened all the time.

zaucy commented

@dprogm This is likely due to the use of child_process.exec. If possible use child_process.spawn.

child_process.exec has this option:

  • maxBuffer Largest amount of data in bytes allowed on stdout or stderr. If exceeded, the child process is terminated. See caveat at maxBuffer and Unicode. Default: 200 * 1024.

child_process.spawn has no such limitation.

@Globegitter Hi I try to patch that part by simply add, maxBuffer: Infinity it does not break anything, but I not able to reproduce your issue in my environment so can you test it? here the branch. If it solve your issue, please notify me I will create the PR, thanks.