
Hammer for Mac snippets for Sublime Text

MIT LicenseMIT

Hammer for Mac snippets for Sublime Text


A small collection of useful Sublime Text snippets to be used with Riot's wonderful app Hammer for Mac.


Via Package Control

  1. Install Package Control
  2. Hit ⌘+⇧+P to open the Command Palette
  3. Look for Package Control: Install Package and hit
  4. Search for Hammer for Mac Snippets and hit


Navigate to your Packages directory and clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/DinoPaskvan/Hammer-Snippets.git


Just type one of the triggers and hit TAB inside the editor.

Snippet Trigger Output
404 Fix h-404 <base href="/">
Automatic Reload h-rel <!-- @reload -->
HTML Include h-inc <!-- @include filename -->
Image Placeholder h-img <!-- @placeholder 300x400 Text -->
JavaScript Link (file) h-js <!-- @javascript filename -->
JavaScript Link (folder) h-jsf <!-- @javascript path/to/js/* -->
Smart Path h-pa <!-- @path filename -->
Stylesheet Link (file) h-st <!-- @stylesheet filename -->
Stylesheet Link (folder) h-stf <!-- @stylesheet path/to/css/* -->
To do h-td <!-- @todo To Do Text --> (1)
Variable h-var <!-- $name value -->
Variable (Default Value) h-vard <!-- $name [pipe] Default Value --> (2)

(1) Output varies for each language (HTML, HAML, CSS, SCSS, CoffeeScript, JavaScript). Table shows HTML output.
(2) The | character breaks the table syntax and cannot be escaped. The actual output is: <!-- $name | Default Value -->


Feel free to fork this repository, fiddle with things and send pull requests.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.