Twitch Plays
Clone of Twitch Plays Pokemon.
Modifications by JackNet.
Original code by aidanrwt.
macOS/Linux/*NIX support based on ynohtna92's fork.
Under the MIT license.
Use a 2.7.x release of Python.
For Microsoft Windows, keystrokes are performed by using Windows API calls through the PyWin32 extension, which must be installed alongside a normal Python installation.
For macOS/Linux/*NIX installs, keystrokes are performed through xdotool/xautomation. Check your distro's repositories if it's available for install through your package manager.
How To Run
Rename config/
to config/
and replace the default username/password values with your Twitch username and OAuth token. Feel free to modify button throttles there as well.
In your Emulator, set the controls to the following keys:
Up: 0
Down: 1
Left: 2
Right: 3
Button A: 4
Button B: 5
Button X: 6
Button Y: 7
Start: 8
Select: 9
Button L: A
Button R: B
If necessary, comment out any buttons you don't want to use through the lib/
After setup, open up your terminal and type python
. If your username/password is wrong, you will be notified.
Whilst the script is running, make sure you have the emulator in focus as your primary window since the commands are only sent to the active window. If you click onto another window, the keypresses might disrupt operation of the program in focus. If you're unable to maintain a window focused should you need to do other things with your computer, run the emulator and script within a virtual machine.