
CORS being too strict and blocking localhost resources

Opened this issue · 5 comments

ipontt commented

I am experiencing the bug described in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1376310 with the latest version of firedragon. It's fix also worked (using [::1] instead of localhost or

According to this bug report, it's been fixed in firefox 75. Has the version of librewolf firedragon is based on implemented this fix?

Hum, this should be available as we use Firefox as source. Maybe its another bug with common symptoms?

ipontt commented

I'm asking because I tried following a free course that used this repo as a base but ran into the weird error. The steps I took were the following:

  1. git clone https://github.com/Code-Pop/from-vuex-to-pinia.git
  2. cd into the directory
  3. Go into the branch I wanted to work on git switch 03-Begin
  4. Install npm dependencies with npm i
  5. run command npm run dev as defined in its package.json file
  6. Try to open the site at localhost:8080 and the "db" at localhost:3000

This is the definition of the dev command

"vite & json-server --watch db.json"

vite serves the site on localhost:8080 and json-server makes the db.json file available as a mini json api on localhost:3000.

The thing is, localhost:3000 didn't work. The connection was just refused. I tried all sorts of voodoo fixes but the only one that worked (and provided some explanation for it) was the one I linked above.

http://localhost:3000 didn't work.
http://[::1]:3000 did.

I haven't really changed things in about:config and I updated just yesterday (currently on 111.0).

Thanks for the instructions on how to reproduce it!

Would you be so kind to test whether this also happens on Librewolf? It would help tracking down whether this is an actual FireDragon issue.

ipontt commented

I have just tried it on librewolf. The issue was not present.
This is a comparison between two windows of firedragon, as well as firedragon's version.