
Upgrade 3.11 Save Entry Error

Closed this issue · 5 comments

There's an error message with 3.11 on the entry save stage.

In the latest master branch code (v3.4.1), I think I have come up with a way to detect if a user tried to alter the timecreated to make a new entry. The 3.4.0 version tried to prevent this in a way that was preventing your students from saving. I still have things to do to this change, such as change hard coded text to strings and add code to log the event. What I would like to know is, for such an attempt, do you think it should not affect the users grade, or do you think they should immediately receive a rating of zero for the entry they tried to change? You can try out this code at: http://www.drachels.com/moodle311/login/index.php

Sorry to be taking so long to get a new, hopefully fixed version ready. I think I have it ready to go, but need to do some more testing. In the mean time, it can be tested at http://www.drachels.com/moodle311/login/index.php
Log in details are on the log in page.

Personally, I encourage students to edit. I don't penalize them for it. I was wondering if my students and I could get notifications when I add a grade or when a student adds an entry or edits one.

Hi Nellie,
Sorry to take so long to reply, but I have been very busy working on massive changes to the Diary code. I have added added notifications of grades and student entry/edits, to my TODO list and will try to get them added ASAP.

If you visit the site link above, you can see some of the upcoming changes where I am adding a lot of new statistics. Many of them will come in handy for students as you can set up a glossary of common errors that can help guide students into making needed edits to their entries.