
compiling on debian buster for freeswitch v1.10

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I'm trying to compile the code for google_transcribe. I git cloned all of it but I don't see the usual configure, make scripts in any of the folders. Is there instructions on how to make this code?

To build the google libs needed is quite complex. I use ansible to do it. See this ansible role -- this is what I use

ok thanks. I'm not familiear with ansible. i'll take a look at it. do you know if the code works on v1.10 on deb buster?

I haven't tried it on buster so I am not sure. I've been using stretch

ansible looks like it will take some time to figure out, unless you might have some instructions? otherwise are there prebuilt binaries for stretch and v1.8? i have a stretch machine kicking around I could likely use if so.

no docs but if you look at the command files in the tasks folder of that repo you will be able to see the steps, which you can then recreate in bash.

I've found ansible to be fairly easy to learn, and well worth it if you are going to be doing any devops on a consistent basis

i've installed ansible on a fresh stretch machine and have been working on it off and on. i've set a group called "self" in the ansible hosts file with the machine IP set. i try invoke ansible as "ansible self -M ./ -m main.yml -vvv" and get an error message:

continuing: Using module file /usr/local/src/ansible-role-fsmrf/tasks/main.yml | FAILED! => {
"failed": true,
"msg": "module (main.yml) is missing interpreter line"

how should I be invoking the main.yaml file ? this is from ansible-role-fsmrf

I can't help you as I do not run ansible on the target machine - I run it on my laptop - so I am not familiar with the commands

what do you use, do you use a gui?

no, I just run the ansible command line and provide an inventory file with IPs of remote servers to build, or else as a -i command line argument, e.g.

ansible-playbook -u admin -i "," freeswitch.yml --extra-vars="ssh_ansible_private_key_file=..."

Also, I have just successfully built everything on a debian buster instance without any code changes required, so this should not be a problem

great!, can you give me the whole command line you use? i think it would help alot.