
Freeswitch channel not closing

Opened this issue · 3 comments

We are following closely this example https://github.com/drachtio/drachtio-freeswitch-modules/blob/f656f198b632c2cfa01c0605e1957a7831bb48d9/examples/dialogflow.js

We have open freeswitch channels even after issuing the dialog.destroy() and endpoint.destroy() commands on the dialogflow modules.

  1. Should we issue dialogflow_stop for every dialogflow_start ?
  2. How do we know if the dialogflow process is on going before destroying the endpoint?
  3. Does destroying endpoint also kills the dialogflow?

We are using ansible installation from https://github.com/drachtio/ansible-role-fsmrf.

Your help is highly appreciated @davehorton

can you create the simplest possible flow that leaves a channel open after call completes and provide the freeswitch log file at debug level?

Sure, please find attached logs for freeswitch and drachtio

can you show me your code for the dialog.on('destroy') handler? Feel free to send privately if you wish