
Unresponsive after client reconnects

brandonrobinson5060 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey drachtio team!

We've noticed a few times the drachtio container has stopped processing calls and a container restart is needed. This seems to happen sometimes when we deploy to our client that causes it to disconnect/reconnect.

I've attached a log file that shows logs before the crash at 14:45:07. Below is a timeline of events

14:45:05 - our client restarted due to a deployment
14:45:05.176398 Client::read_handler - bouncing client due to error reading: asio.misc:2
14:45:05.176470 ClientController::leave - Removed client, connection duration 65940 seconds, count of connected clients is now: 0
14:45:07 - client reconnects after the deployment
14:45:07.592730 Client::start - Received connection from client at
14:45:07.592748 ClientController::join - Added client, count of connected clients is now: 1
14:45:07.603407 Client::write_handler - wrote 88 bytes: system:0 (last log written until restart)
(Gap in logs until restart)
14:53:05.334880 Received SIGTERM; exiting after dumping stats..


Heya Dave, Just checking to see if you were able to find anything on the above. We continue to see the issue. Let us know if there's any other info you need.

I would like to see a drachtio log file with loglevel at debug and sofia loglevel at 9. Ideally there would be like 20 mins or so of data in there. I'd like this so I can see if there are any errors occuring that are concerning

Very possible this is a hanging issue.

Looking at our drachtio.conf.xml file, appears we're starting dracthio with sofia @ loglevel 9

    <!-- sofia internal log level, from 0 (minimal) to 9 (verbose) -->

    <!-- notice, warning, error, info, debug.  Default: info -->

Also, here's our run command:

docker run -d --rm --name drachtio -v /etc/letsencrypt/live/sip.vida.dev:/cert/live/sip.vida.dev -v /etc/letsencrypt/archive/sip.vida.dev:/cert/archive/sip.vida.dev -p 5060:5060/udp -p 5060:5060/tcp -p 9022:9022/u
dp -p 9022:9022/tcp -p 5061:5061/udp -p 5061:5061/tcp -p 7443:7443/tcp drachtio/drachtio-server:0.8.20 drachtio --contact "sip:;transport=tcp,udp" --external-ip "{redacted}" --contact "sips::5061;transport=tls" --external-ip
"{redacted}" --contact "sips:*:7443;transport=wss" --external-ip "{redacted}" --key-file /cert/live/sip.vida.dev/privkey.pem --cert-file /cert/live/sip.vida.dev/cert.pem --chain-file /cert/live/sip.vida.dev/fullchain.pem
--dh-param /cert/live/sip.vida.dev/dh4096.pem --homer "{redacted}:9060" --homer-id 101