
'found' text hard to read

lemzwerg opened this issue · 5 comments

If I search for some text, the found text is highlighted with a yellow background but with a white foreground, which makes it very hard to read.

I see a currentsearchhitbgcolor property. Does a currentsearchhitfgcolor exist, too?

This is on openSUSE GNU/Linux using gitk coming with git 2.40.1.


BTW, in the image you can also see that the 'up' and 'down' buttons after the 'Lines of context' field don't fit the dark theme, inspite of having want_ttk 0 in my config file. Is this a known problem?

Thanks @lemzwerg, unfortunately the yellow color doesn't come from currentsearchhitbgcolor. I have tried changing all the yellow-ish values to black in my config and this remained yellow. I believe gitk doesn't give us the option to tweak this color unfortunately.

And I believe the same applies for the 'up' and 'down' buttons your are mentioning.

OK, thanks. Please file an issue for gitk so that it gets fixed eventually!

gitk's source code is mirrored at https://github.com/git/git/tree/master/gitk-git and I think issues have to be reported on the mailing list described at https://git-scm.com/community

OK. Sorry that I don't volunteer by myself, but don't have time to handle this additionally.