
the way we check for FBC strict is not compliant with the spec

Schmoho opened this issue · 4 comments

From the spec section 3.3 page 8 (line numbers at the end):

This is accomplished by defining a set of restrictions which come into effect if strict is set to “true”: 7
■ Each Reaction in a Model must define attributes lowerFluxBound and upperFluxBound with each pointing 8
to a valid Parameter object defined in the current Model. 9
■ Each Parameter object referred to by the Reaction attributes lowerFluxBound and upperFluxBound must 10
have their constant attribute set to “true” and its value attribute set to a double value which may not be 11
“NaN”. 12
■ SpeciesReference elements of Reactions must have their stoichiometry attribute set to a double value that 13
is neither “NaN” nor “-INF” nor “INF”. In addition their constant attribute must be set to “true”. 14
■ InitialAssignment elements may neither target the Parameter elements referenced by the Reaction attributes 15
lowerFluxBound and upperFluxBound nor any SpeciesReference. 16
■ All defined FluxObjective elements must have their coefficient attribute set to a double value that is nei- 17
ther “NaN” nor “-INF” nor “INF”. 18
■ A Reaction lowerFluxBound attribute may not point to a Parameter with a value of “INF”. 19
■ A Reaction upperFluxBound attribute may not point to a Parameter with a value of “-INF”. 20
■ For all reactions, the value of a lowerFluxBound must be less than or equal to the value of the upperFluxBound. 21

Instead, what we are checking right now is:

  • does any InitialAssignment have parameters that carry an SBO term which indicates flux bounds (625) (here)
  • ensure all reactions have a lower and upper bound (here)
  • are the bounds not INF, NaN and correctly ordered (lines 10-12, 19, 20, 21) (same place)
  • do all species references have a non-NaN, non-INF value for their stoichiometry (lines 13,14)
  • check if all flux objectives are finite-non-NaN (here)

We are not explicitly checking lines 15 and 16, and the SBO-term check we do is not required by the spec.

Why is modelpolisher checking this at all? Should this not be done by the SBML validation? I.e. only check if the model is valid and what the validation warnings/errors are without any additional own checking.

In the end, the strict attribute is set on the model according to this inference.
I guess the idea might be to allow to set strictness where possible - I assume the validator would not tell you if a model "could" be strict but isn't, right?

However I can't really say if this is actually a sensible thing to do, or to place within the scope of the Polisher.
I.e. @draeger what's your take on this?

So if this is just checking if strict can be set I would do the following:

  • validate model with strict=False
  • if model is valid with strict=False, set strict=True and check if the model is still valid (i.e., does not have errors)
    I.e. use a validation strategy instead of some heuristics.

Exactly, ModelPolisher is not a model validator. It aims to set missing attributes to suitable values. It could, for instance, load a model that is invalid in the sence that the strict attribute isn't defined at all and then give it a value. The validation-based approach @matthiaskoenig suggests makes sense. The SBO term check is a nice addition. I assume ModelPolisher would also try to set those terms if undefined.