
Access the miniImageNet dataset

zhangguanghui1 opened this issue · 9 comments

I try to download mini-Imagenet Dataset, but I cannot find it online. Can you share the link to the miniImageNet images?Thanks. zhanggh@mail.sim.ac.cn

Alaways failed to download it from Google Drive. Is there any other way to get the mini-Imagenet Dataset? Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much!

I failed to download it from dropbox, too. Is there any other way to get the mini-Imagenet Dataset?

I can't use the two links you shared. Do you have any other paths to get the data set? Thank you

Hi,I tried to reproduce your code, but I have a problem here
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ty/MAML/miniimagenet_train.py", line 111, in
File "/home/ty/MAML/miniimagenet_train.py", line 60, in main
batchsz=10000, resize=args.imgsz)
File "/home/ty/MAML/MiniImagenet.py", line 65, in init
csvdata = self.loadCSV(os.path.join(root, mode + '.csv')) # csv path
File "/home/ty/MAML/MiniImagenet.py", line 82, in loadCSV
with open(csvf) as csvfile:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'home/ty/MAML/miniimagenet/train.csv'

I checked the path and file without problems, I would like to ask how you solved it

The files name root-miniimagenet(includes image)-.csv ,is it all right?

i missed the same problem and i delete a symbol in code : mini = MiniImagenet('/home/i/tmp/MAML-Pytorch/miniimagenet', mode='train', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt,
batchsz=10000, resize=args.imgsz)
mini_test = MiniImagenet('/home/i/tmp/MAML-Pytorch/miniimagenet', mode='test', n_way=args.n_way, k_shot=args.k_spt,
batchsz=100, resize=args.imgsz)
After that it can be run