
hijack this told me to make create a topic

Closed this issue · 14 comments

im not sure what to say. my issue goes back over 10 years. every device i have is compromised. doesnt matter if its linux based or windows. or mac os. they take over all of them. iphone, android, ios doesnt matter. updates stop working. i lose privelleges. its a kernel hack im sure. it sets up a bluetooth virtual network between all my devices. no antivirus has ever detected it. infact it takes over the virus software and rewrites the files to do what it wants. it constantly uploads audio and video. it infects every storage device and you cant tell. it loses a small percentage of space and you cant access that area with any kind of disk or partiion programs that i have found. I can go on and on but i dont have the vocabulary to explain to where anyone would understand. on my raspberry pi's it loads about 35000 modules into the kernel. windows, trusted user takes over. s-1-5-xxxxxxxx shows up in registry somone logs in as NT AUTHORITY but its under my user name somehow. theres services that i cannot stop. files i cant take ownership of. hijack this is the first and only program that alerts to a problem. everyone thinks im crazy and that im not hacked but they havent experienced what i have and they are to dumb to know if they are hacked too.
all windows files get writtern over and filled with some embedded os that you cannot kill or break. it fixes itself no matter what ive tried. i dont know much bout powershell or cmd but im learning more and more.

im trying to follow the directons but i cannot stop windows defender or any thing else. i dont have access or authority. ill do the best i cant to follow directons.

i ran hijack this from the logger folder. i turned on mark all issues to be fixed. once i click fix it starts down the long list of things to fix and it stops working on: keyboard stopped working for a few minutes and i wasnt able to copy or screenshot where it hangs up at. it was like hkkey something msedge autorun i think

<log got removed>

<log got removed>

i tired to provide enough information. after the fix im sure ill have to reinstall windows. i install it every day almost so it might be a few days before the hacker will allow me to get back on line

<log got removed>

ok i go to bed now. thank you for taking the time to try and help me. noone would help me for 12 years i deal with this. i throw away matbe 125 computers in the past. i cant afford to buy any more


i turned on mark all issues to be fixed

Nothing worse could have been done. Windows re-install is the better decision in this case.
There are no obvious signs of infection in logs.

@misty913 never ever mark all checkboxes in HiJackThis! It is not antivirus. You damaged OS. To recover the damage, you may try press "Main menu", "Backups" and restore everything.

We can't provide help if you're ignoring the instructions. First of all: don't do anything without suggestion of helper. It is written in our general rules. Also, we don't need extra logs which we didn't request.

The action you did here - we didn't give you the instruction to do it.
To recover from what you did:

  • Run HiJackThis
  • Press button "Backups"
  • mark all checkboxes
  • Press "Restore" button.

Anyway, our helper said "There are no obvious signs of infection in logs.".
Also, according to your description it looks like the normal behaviour of Windows.
If you have a specific issue and it is suspected to be malware related, please, give us a screenshot.