
Small strict compiler improvement

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The second compiler is new to me. After analyzing that it reuse variables for some operations, I detected that it sometimes a variable receive the same variable (ex: var t1 = 10; t1 = t1;).

Its not much but its better to keep small issues away.

    public int get(int i) {
        return 0;

    public void strictTest() {
        int i = 0;
        float test = (long)get(i++) << 32;

The code above generates:

$get___int$int: function (i)
    return 0;
$strictTest$void : function()
       var __r0, __r1, __r2, __r3, __r5, __r6;
        __r6 = this;
        var __next_label = -1;
        while (1) {
          switch (__next_label) {
            case -1:
            __r0 = 0;
            __r1 = __r0 + 1;
            __r3 = __r6.$get___int$int(__r0);
            __r3 = __r3;
            __r5 = 32;
           __r3 = __r3 << 5;
            __r2 = __r3 * 1.0;
            return this;
              alert("XMLVM internal error: reached default of switch");

The issue is "r3 = r3" is not needed.

JavaScript is slow and removing code that is not needed is a plus.

@fpetrola there is also something wrong in "__r3 = __r3 << 5;" ? I think it should be "__r3 = __r3 << __r5;", no ?

May be 5 is a literal

it seems its forgetting to add '__r'. Because doing:

public int get(int i) {
        return 0;

    public void strictTest() {
        int i = 0;
        int t = 32;
        float test = (long)get(i++) << t;


$get___int$int: function (i)
    return 0;
$strictTest$void : function()
       var __r0, __r1, __r2, __r3, __r4, __r6;
        __r6 = this;
        var __next_label = -1;
        while (1) {
          switch (__next_label) {
            case -1:
            __r0 = 0;
            __r2 = 32;
            __r1 = __r0 + 1;
            __r4 = __r6.$get___int$int(__r0);
            __r4 = __r4;
           __r4 = __r4 << 2;
            __r3 = __r4 * 1.0;
            return this;
              alert("XMLVM internal error: reached default of switch");

if __r is added to 2 it will match the variable that have value 32. same goes to 5 in the other code.