
Strange compare in code of DragomeJavaScriptGenerator

Opened this issue · 1 comments

	private boolean isW3C(MethodInvocation invocation)
		MethodBinding methodBinding= invocation.getMethodBinding();

// ...
		if (methodBinding.equals("org.w3c.dom5.NamedNodeMap"))
			if (name.equals("setNamedItemNS") || name.equals("setNamedItem"))
				return false;
		if (methodBinding.equals("org.w3c.dom5.Element"))
			if (name.equals("setAttributeNode") || name.equals("setAttributeNodeNS"))
				return false;
// ...



methodBinding is MethodBinding and dont have override equals function.
and you try compare with text string @_@

Hi, this method is not in use, I'll remove it in next release. thanks for the feedback