
Bug getClass()

Closed this issue · 5 comments

using getClass in a array gives a error


Integer a[] = new Integer[2];

Error: "Uncaught TypeError: a.$getClass$java_lang_Class is not a function"

It's not implemented yet cause arrays are mapped to js Array and it's not handled as a regular mapped java class. So it's required to add these kind of methods manually as you can see here: https://github.com/dragome/dragome-sdk/blob/master/dragome-js-commons/src/main/resources/dragome/javascript/runtime.js#L284

Will you be working on this or I can make a PR for a temp fix ?

Your temporal fix is welcome, and then I'll be creating a final fix version. thanks!

Okay, It may take a few days. I did some for simple test case but need to test it on a bigger project like libgdx which use it internally. The problem that I also need to implement (port from gwt backend) the loading file mechanism that libgdx use. Only after that I will know if it will work.

fixed with: 602abcb