
Improving DragomeConfiguratorImplementor annotation

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Was getting a weird error that my configuration was not being targeted correctly so I started to dig in the source.


By looking at that line, the code is always choosing the last item in the Set. When I printed the Set my class was not the last one ( badboy didn't want to be the last one lol).

class com.dragome.commons.ChainedInstrumentationDragomeConfigurator, 
class com.dragome.web.config.DomHandlerApplicationConfigurator,
class com.dragome.commons.DefaultDragomeConfigurator, 
class com.badlogic.gdx.backends.dragome.DragomeConfiguration,
class com.dragome.commons.InstrumentationDragomeConfigurator

I also test forcing foundConfiguration to be null to check if the code https://github.com/dragome/dragome-sdk/blob/master/dragome-web/src/main/java/com/dragome/services/serverside/ServerReflectionServiceImpl.java#L52-L60 works.

class com.dragome.web.config.DomHandlerApplicationConfigurator, 
class com.dragome.commons.DefaultDragomeConfigurator, 
class com.badlogic.gdx.backends.dragome.DragomeConfiguration

Now my class is the last one and that code returns the first configuration.

This can be easily fixed by having a priority.