
Videos not loading

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Describe the bug

On latest release, switch firmware 17.0, local jellyfin server (not proxy)

Menus, search etc all load fine, but none of the media seems to be playing. It just hangs on a black screen no matter the size of the video.

To reproduce

No response


No response

Operating system

17.0.0|AMS 1.6.2|S

Jellyfin Server

No response

Additional context

No response

please use nightly and turn on debug view in setting tab, then take screenshop when play video

it shows something wrong with video stream, can you show detail about video media info

another way try to turn on Force direct play


I have tried to force direct play and the issue persists.

make sure your jellyfin server is 10.8.9 or newer

server is 10.8.11

your server address missing scheme http://, should be

fixed the problem, ty!